Daenal Roesone

Brother of Baroness Marlae Roesone

Daenal Roesone
Equipment: Chainmail vest +1 (concealed), long sword, dagger.
Description/History: Daenal was born six years after Marlae, but tragically his mother Misoele Tuornen  died in the childbirth. Teried Roesone left too much of Daenal's rearing to the castle servants, and Daenal grew up as some thing of a wild child—it seemed that the only way the boy could win his father's attention was to get into trouble, and Daenal excelled at that.
Daenal is an intelligent and likable young man, but he can be rash and prone to acting before thinking. He stands about six feet tall, with a slender build and a sharp-featured, handsome face. He is graceful and quick on his feet, and actually picked up a smattering of thief abilities as a teenager before settling down to learn more knightly pursuits. As the brother of the regent, he is a very eligible bachelor, and several neighboring lords have inquired about the possibility of an arranged marriage.
Year of Birth
1631 MA 20 Years old

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