Dragons Roost

dragon roost

Many myths and legends surround the town of Dragon Roost. Like many of the small farming communities of Ilien, the land around Dragon Roost has been farmed for generations, and local legend has passed down through the family lines claims of how the dragon came some 600 years past.

Villagers believe that inĀ  905 MA), during one of the hottest summers in recorded history, a dragon came to roost in the hills outside of town for three days and nights, finally waking with a ravenous roar. Many of the villagers had fled the area, but in their haste left most of their livestock and belongings behind. The dragon devoured all the cattle remaining in the area, as well as some of the folk who stayed behind, and razed much of the village.

Locals camping a few miles from the village witnessed the beast's departure, and returned to their homes to behold the dragon's destruction. Word of. the incident spread, and the village was soon commonly known as Dragon Roost.

Despite the fantastic tale surrounding this village, Dragdrfc Roost is nothing more than a small farming community with a tremendous reputation. It is said that wizards have investigated the hills outside-the village for magical traces of the mighty beast, but any discoveries remain their secrets.