Fhylie the Sword

Leader of the Militant Order of Cuiraecen in Tuornen.

Bloodline: minor, 18 Anduiras

Young and vital, aggressive and daring, Fhylie the Sword makes the perfect speaker for the Militant Order of Cuiraecen . Her compact frame seems far too small to house her bellowing voice, but when roused to argument, she can shake the timbers with her shouts. Few like to cross her, and few do. Rhobher Nichaleir and his priests are the noted exceptions.

Rumors link Fhylie romantically to Braedonnal Tuare, but most people suggest that the rumors have no substance, or that Fhylie may wish them true, but Braedonnal remains indifferent. Her violent and nearly fatal answer to such suggestions has put quiet the subject (at least within her hearing). Whatever the truth, she remains an outspoken supporter of Braedonnal in public, and he remains a visible, if not terribly devout, supporter of her church.

Young nobles and soldiers compose most of Fhylie's followers, especially in the city. Hers is the faster-growing of the two faiths in Tuornen, and some fear that the larger her church grows, the more likely Tuornen will go to war. Others say that the health of the Militant Order simply demonstrates the country's preparedness.

Fhylie always enters games when they are called, and few can rival her at the joust. Unlike the staid Nichaleir, she gathers her flock by example more than argument