Gaered Biersen

Seneschal of Roesone and chief adviser to the baroness.   The Seneschal, Lord Gaered Biersen
Equipment: Chain mail shirt +1, Seneschal's scepter (mace +1).
Description/History: Gaered's grandfather served Daen Roesone from the time the Black Baron was a mercenary captain, handling matters of finance and accounting for Roesone's company. The future baron trusted the first Biersen implicitly, and Biersen returned the trust by helping him to build a nation.
When Roesone had finally defeated Diemed and established the barony of Roesone, he gave Biersen a title and an estate. Gaered is an intelligent man who runs the daytoday mundane affairs of the barony with skill and honesty. He takes his job seriously, and would literally die before neglecting his duties or betraying his trust. Gaerad is a rotund man in his forties, with a flamboyant and self-effacing manner; he clings to the forms of his office, thriving on stuffy ceremonies.

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