
Ghoried occupies the northwest corner of Roesone , under the shadow of the dark Spiderfell. It is the wildest and most thinly settled province of Roesone today, and its people live under the constant threat of attack from the The Spider's minions. Ghorieds are a particularly stubborn and hardy breed, proud of their vigilance and courage—they wouldn't give up their land for anything, and threat of the Spider's not about to make them move now.

Although most of Ghoried is part of the Spider River's valley, its northern reaches are often heavily wooded (the outskirts of the Spiderfell) and quite hilly. It's rugged land, with scattered farms and more pastureland than crops. The homes of the Ghorieds are often built with personal defense in mind. Heavy shutters, ironbound doors, and sturdy bars can be found in any farmhouse.

Ghoried has no real towns to speak of, but there are several villages that grew out of neighboring free holds. Typically, three or four families banded together for mutual protection, and these neighborly alliances grew into small hamlets. The largest of these is the rivercrossing at Thoeren's Landing, but even this community only numbers about 400 people.
Ghoried is under the rule of Count Ghoried, Anchael Denoered, an aging warrior who was once known as the White Falcon. The Denoered estates are the smallest of any of Roesone's nobles, but the family stands fourth in rank in the barony, behind only the Roesones, the Isilvieres, and the Bellamies. Their manorhouse is as well-fortified as a small castle, and the Denoereds have weathered many fierce attacks by marauders under the command of the Spider.