Gilgaed Flaertes

Regent of Talinie Tuornen    Bloodline: Formerly Brenna, minor; now none because he invested his successor.

The most recent and one of the most celebrated rulers of Tuornen, Gilgaed distinguished himself in diplomacy and lawmaking rather than in battle. While those devoted to Cuiraecen pine for the early days of martial glory, older citizens of Tuornen revere Gilgaed's long, measured rule as the golden age of this young nation.

Gilgaed appeared strong and vital until the untimely death of his elf wife, Fiarelle of Tuarhievel. Since her assassination 10 years ago he has become a shadow of his former self. The first signs of Gilgaed's advancing senility surfaced as little more than eccentricities. Foremost among them: a passion for toys, especially mechanical animals, soldiers, and  monsters. For hours he would delight in watching the children of the court play with the most fabulous toys his guild agents could procure.

Eventually, Gilgaed's reputation for loving clever toys—and paying extravagant sums for them—brought the master craftsman Baubb to his court. Employed by the court, Baubb fashioned extraordinary mechanical toys for the noble children and, of course, Gilgaed himself. Soon Gilgaed's advisers found him sitting amid the toys on the floor more often than dealing with matters of state.

After months of gentle pressure from his friends and counselors, Gilgaed gathered the courage to admit that he was no longer fit to rule. He summoned important priest to perform the ceremony of investiture, and abdicated from the throne in favor of his heir.