
The southernmost portions of Cerilia are the lands of the Khinasi. Protected from the bitter winters of Brechtur by high mountains and warm ocean currents, Khinasi enjoys more sun and longer growing seasons than any other region. In fact, large regions of the Khinasi interior are arid steppes that border on desert. The eastern portion of Khinasi rises into a swath of warm forest and low mountains collectively called the Docandragh, an elvish phrase meaning "heart's wonder." It is a beautiful, wild land of frequent rainfalls, hidden lakes, and magnificent cascades.

The plains and forests of Khinasi were once known as Basarji, after the Basarji people who first settled here. They are not Adurian in origin, as are the Anuireans, Brechts, Rjurik, and Vos; instead, the Basarji colonized these coasts about fifteen hundred years ago, arriving from mysterious lands beyond the Sea of Dragons. Like the Brechts, the Khinasi are seafarers, merchants, and explorers.

While the Avonlaer Empire dominated the rest of Cerilia, including western Basarji, eastern Basarji united under the leadership of the great mage-king el-Arrasi, maintaining its independence throughout centuries of Anuirean preeminence. The phrase khinasi derives from khir-aften el-Arrasi, or "lands under the protection of el-Arrasi." It became the name commonly used by other nations to refer to Basarji lands.

The Khinasi realms are strong but small, concentrated around a few fortified cities and ports. Khinasi culture is exquisitely advanced, with an articulated code of sayim, or face, and great respect for art and literature. Unfortunately, the Khinasi city-states have been embroiled for hundreds of years in a tangle of feuds, duels, and rivalries that have created a highly political society. Western Khinasi lands include the Harrowmarsh, home of the dreadful Hydra