
Godar Thurinson

  Regents: The regents of these two puppet states, though mortal enemies, do not seem so different. The first, Godar Thurinson of Mur-Kilad) is a blustery dwarf with nothing but contempt for nondwarves. Razzik Fanggrabber, Queen of Markazor, grew to adulthood taught to regard all others as blood enemies of the goblins. Their master, the Gorgon, has given them strict orders to work together to produce the fiercest army Cerilia  has ever seen. The two therefore have united their forces under pain of death, and now dwarves and goblins train side by side.

• Lieutenants: Several subordinate goblins and dwarves would like nothing more than to step into leadership spots; the Gorgon always has replacements for the old leaders groomed and waiting.

Provinces: Markazor encompasses seven provinces, while Mur-Kilad has only two. Avonlaers call them puppet states for good reason: The Gorgon controls the placement of all resources and armies.

Important NPCs: The only significant NPC in these realms is the Gorgon. No trade takes place between either kingdom and the rest of Avonlae; all they produce goes directly to the Gorgons Crown, in return for which they receive permission to raid caravans for food.
A mage hiding in Mur-Kilad uses the mountains to power strange magic, but no one knows whether this Peak Mage works for or against the Gorgon.

Description: Land in Markazor and Mur-Kilad is harsh and rough. These domains have suffered greatly from goblin and dwarf mining efforts for the manufacture of weapons for the Gorgon's armies. The trees have been harvested, the rivers polluted, and the mountains cored. Still the populace combs the land for more resources. The puppet states have no cities, just small towns situated to best serve the Gorgon's war effort, moving as the abomination's strategy changes. Those living in these temporary towns always feel displaced.  

Both the goblins and the dwarves seem sullen, resentful of the Gorgon's power over them. Just because they live together doesn't mean they like each other—in fact, each race has come to hate the other even more over time. The coals of this animosity remain banked, but it won't take much to bring the flame to the fore. Since the penalty for fighting within the ranks is death, the two peoples live in peace for now. However, their resentment comes through in their dealings with others. Both races always seem actively hostile to visitors, ready to leap into a fight with little provocation.

The dwarves originally chose their monster-infested kingdom so they could protect the entire land from orog incursions. The Gorgon's arrival changed all that, and orogs now roam the area, bullying at whim.

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