Rhobher Nichaleir

High priest of the Western Imperial Temple of Azimir based in Tuornen

Bloodline: Anduiras, great, 37

At the age of 60, Rhobher remains in such good shape that no one should underestimate him on the field. On occasions of high ceremony, Rhobher wears his sculpted but hardly ceremonial armor and shield, assuring all his congregation that he is willing to fight for his beliefs. 

Despite his calling, this priest of the Western Imperial Temple of Azimir  is far less a man of war than of philosophy. Conservative and loyal as much to Avanil as to Tuornen, he champions what he considers to be the proper hierarchy at every turn. He scorns those who delight in caprice, mischief, or— worst of all—disobedience. Everyone has his or her place, believes Rhobher, and it is a sin to break out of the proper order.

Resentful of the power held by the Militant Order of Cuiraecen, and concerned that it represents a force of chaos far more than of good, Rhobher attempts to thwart the order at every turn. He speaks openly in criticism of Fhylie and has managed to become a near-enemy to Braedonnal Tuare. It is only a matter of time, argues Rhobher, before Braedonnal places his personal honor before the good of the duchy.

Rhobher enjoys broad support among the heads of the noble houses, as well as among the older natives of Tuornen. They know all too well the dangers of rash action, and they embrace the Western Imperial Temple's philosophies of caution and order.