Roesone State of the Barony 1651

It took your father's entire reign to bring it about, but as you take the throne you'll find that there are baronial magistrates and constables in each province under your rule, and every noble within Roesone's borders has sworn fealty to House Roesone. You are the recognized lord of this land, and no one contests your rule. Do not take this for granted, my lady baroness; in your grandfather's day, his law extended as far as the reach of his mercenaries' swords.
The great castle of Blacktower was finally complete, but is now crippled by a collapsed turret —the new walls and great gatehouse begun by your father were completed just this last summer, and several visiting officers from neighboring lands have been most impressed with the fortification. Your court is comfortably settled in Rockwell , the capital. The treasury enjoys some small surplus this year, and your personal fortunes and lands are considerable. The exact list of your properties and income is enclosed; you'll note that your family owns a great deal of land which you could sell or lease if you found yourself in financial straits.
This concludes my report, my lord baron. You will find the royal cartographer's map of the realm attached, a floorplan of the expanded castle Black tower, and a genealogy of the House Roesone. The rest of this document contains useful information on the history of the realm, the places and people of your domain, and individuals of note or fame you should be acquainted with.
As the seneschal, I oversee the administration of law and taxation throughout your domain. Please let me know if I or any of my agents can be of any further service to you