Roesones Customs

customs and courtesy

Visitors to Roesone should be warned that duelling is legal. To prevent escalation into full-blown feuds, relatives or friends of a person killed in a duel cannot challenge the killer unless an impartial observer rules that the killer won through foul play. Dirty tricks, hidden weapons, or the use of magic all qualify. Any lord is allowed to appoint a champion to meet a challenge from an untitled person. Thus, Raeric the Fishmonger can't expect to meet the local count on the field of honor—the Count can have one of his legbreakers teach Raeric a lesson in respect with no loss of face.

The Royal Mint in Rockwell coins all of Roesone's money. The realm's currency is based on the old Imperial standard: copper farthings, silver pennies, and gold crowns. Platinum and electrum pieces are not in use in Roesone; instead, a small gold coin called a half crown replaces the electrum piece, and an oversized gold eagle replaces a platinum piece.