Roesones People

From the Seneschal's Report, on the death of Baron Teried Roesone

Your subjects, my lady baroness, are a strong-willed lot. I urge you to govern them with care; Roesoneans are stubborn, and they'll see through you if you prove to be weak or dishonest. Remember, only a generation or two ago these people were bandits or freesteaders who called no man lady. Unlike the people of the neighboring lands, they've not yet learned to bend the knee to royalty. They see you as merely human, not much better or worse than themselves, and you'd be wise to win their respect before you demand their obedience.  
Your father used to say that he didn't have subjects; he had in-laws who weren't sure that the treasure of their hearts—this land of Roesone—was truly in good hands under his rule. They weren't afraid to speak their mind to him, and didn't spare him a harsh word when they thought he needed one. But when the people saw that he loved the land just as they did, they came to love him too.
Remember, my lady: Roesoneans are free and outspoken. They've come from all corners of Avonlae to live as they wish, and they stand with unbowed heads in front of any lord or lady. Your father also used to say that he thought that one Roesonean was worth two or three Diems or Ghoerans, and must confess that I feel the same way.