The Burrows

Halflings are rare creatures in Cerilia; this small territory is the only recognized halfling state on the entire continent. (Halflings are scattered in other parts of Brechtur and Avonlae, but they're content to swear loyalty to the local human rulers.) The Burrows maintains good relations and is allied to its neighbors Rheulgard, Coullabhie, and Sendoure.

The Burrows is governed by a high council, led by a speaker. The current speaker is Edvara Garrelban, a wise former adventurer. She holds the tie-breaking vote if the high council reaches a deadlock.

The Burrows maintains a militia of archers and a standing force of constable-soldiers to deal with incursions into halfling territory. The towns and villages of the Burrows are very defensible, since most of the buildings are linked to each other by underground passages