The Moons of Stella Nova

Celestial Objects:


a. Principle Moon of Stella Nova, it is yellow Silver and approximately like Earth’s Moon:
b. Its luminosity is 3 times that of all other moons put together.
c. It orbits the earth every 30 days (so there is always a full moon on the last day of the month, New Moon is on the 15th of each month)
d. There are 12 Full moons each year

2) Zephyr

a. a small purple moon
b. It orbits every 8 days, so there is a full moon on Peaceday (the eighth day of the week) and a new moon on every Workday.
c. There are 45 Full Moons each year

3) Stately

a. a middle-sized blue moon
b. Orbits every 72 days

4) The Forest Moon

a. A medium sized green moon
b. It orbits every 18 days
c. Is rumored to have an actual forest or jungle on it.

5) The Sage

a. A small blue moon
b. It orbits every 360 days (exactly one year)
i. There is a Full moon on the last day of the year, December 30th (The end of the Dead Winter festival)
ii. The waning half moon is on the last day of the Spring Festival, Unember 30th
iii. The New Moon is the last day of Highsummer, Quadrember 30th
iv. The waxing half moon is the last day of High Harvestide, September 30th

6) The Lantern

a. A small gold moon
b. Orbits every 32 days
c. It is the only moon that doesn’t end its cycle exactly on the last day of every year.
d. It has a full moon on the last day of the year every 4th year.

7) The King

a. A medium-sized red moon
b. Orbits every 90 days
c. It has a full moon at the end of each festival.

8) Conjunctions

a. Cycles – Shimmura 30, Zephyr 8, King 90, Sage 360, Forest 18, Lantern 32, Stately 72
b. Common Conjunction:
i. Zephyr and Lantern are both full every 32 days
c. Minor Disjunction
i. Forest, Shimuura, King all New on 2/15, 5/15, 8/15, 11/15

9) The Commonality

a. Forest and Stately are Full on 9/12, 11/24, 2/6,
b. Minor conjunction 4/18
i. Forest, Lantern, Stately and Zephy are all Full
c. Festival Conjunction: (Spring and Vernal Equinoxes)
i. Forest, Shimmura and King are all Full 3/30, 9/30,
d. The Major Disjunction 6/30 (Summer Solstice)
i. Forest, Shimmura and King are all Full
ii. Lantern and Sage are New
e. The Major Conjunction – 12/30 (Dead Winter’s Night/ Winter Solstice)
i. All Moons are Full except the lantern (which on the first year is waning half, on the second year it is new, on the third year it is waxing half and on the four year it is full (see Grand Conjunction)
f. The Grand Conjunction
i. 12/30 every fourth year – All moons are full