Tuornen - Blooded Families

Six noble houses remain since The War of Brothers; no nobility of Alamsreft or Monsedge survived. Of the contemporary noble houses, Tuor and Haesrien command the most respect and power, while Elevesnemiere and Nabhriene present economic and political strength. Most Tuor nobles consider Ghonallison and Pechalinn lesser, rural houses.

house ghonallison

Without exception, warriors and hunters compose the large family of Robin Ghonallison, Count of Ghonallison. Popular among their own people, but mocked as "country clods" by the more urbane nobility, members of this house seem content to range the lands they oversee and seldom appear at court. Most of them interact frequently with the farmers and herdsmen of the county, and marriages between Ghonallison children and com- moners seldom cause surprise.

House Ghonallison boasts one of the older and stronger bloodlines in Tuornen. While none of its members have been particularly ambitious, about half a dozen roamed the Five Peaks and beyond, returning with stories of triumphant battles against goblins and worse monsters.

house pechalinn

Kerran Pechalinn rules in his father's stead, as the old count lies withered and bedridden. Kerran's three daughters, Regan Pechalinn, Julia Pechalinn and Beatrice Pechalinn, are all married and spend most of their time managing their lands and raising their families. Although Regan is the heir apparent, she and her husband, Richard, quarrel often and publicly about which of them is the head of their house. Regan seems to be winning the ongoing argument, which most residents of Merrel find a source of great entertainment. Should the playful feud ever turn genuinely heated, it could jeopardize the welfare of the province.

house haesrien

The courtly, well-educated, and worldly scions of House Haesrien believe themselves central figures of Haes politics. Montros, the eldest brother, controls the house as its patriarch. Shrunken and hardened by age, he appears at once fragile and powerful. Between his impeccable demeanor and theatrical voice he maintains a commanding pres- ence at court.

Yet his brother Braedon's eldest daughter creates the most impact on Haes. Upon Braedon's retirement, Merraele Haesrien assumed his duties as ambassador to Alamie. While no one expected her to do anything but avoid offending Car- ilon Alam, she has actually managed to develop a civil (if not friendly) relationship with the prime enemy of Tuornen. Yet jealousy of her success—or suspicion of it—has prompted many among the court to voice concern that Merraele is perhaps too successful in her work. How can one credit her knowledge of Alam's military placements? Has she traded secrets in return? Could she compromise the security of Tuornen? Or is she an artful manipulator who could prove a potent enemy against Alamie? Whatever her motives, Merraele's talents as a spy have been invaluable to Tuornen in her five years of service.

house elevesnemiere

Bramm, Count of Elevesnemiere, controls his province with help from his warden and niece,Erin Hunter. Undistinguished among the local people, the current generation of House Elevesnemiere (including nearly 20 daughters, sons, nieces, and nephews) lobbies aggressively in Haes. When not petitioning the court for their province, family members hone their dangerous skills of courtly intrigue.

Although many young city-based nobles make the mistake of considering Elevesnemiere a house of backward farmers, few make the mistake twice. The Elevesnemiere bloodline descends from Dyrosh, a fact not lost on the other houses. All members of the house know of the stigma attached to their lineage, and so take care to comport themselves with honor and virtue. Those who question the behavior of a young Elevesnemiere often receive their answer on the point of a rapier.

house nabhriene

Rissaa , Countess of Nabhriene, and her seven children are the sum of their house. Court gossip suggests that Rissa would like her offspring to marry into the Tuor or Elevesemiere houses, then return to increase Nabhriene holdings. Considering the wild reputation of her children, most anticipate that they will be lucky to marry at all. Each of Rissa's four teenage daughters and three teenage sons is a thief of 1st or 2nd level. Those aware of their bent for picking pockets or entering locked chambers for a quick search do not invite them for extended visits.

house tuor

Jaedime Tuor, Countess of Tuor, enjoys her reputation as the most elegant lady of Tuornen. Such is her stature that members of most courts in the Heartlands will not consider a newly ascended noble to have "arrived" until Jaedime has hosted a banquet in his honor. Exacting discrimination in her invitations contributes to the legendary status of Jaedime's hospitality: No one of common station is ever invited to her festivities.

As ambassador to Avanil, Jaedime functions as more than simply a decorative countess. She does, however, leave the military and legal administration of Tuor's Hold to her war- dens, Boroen and Shallea Cavaene. They bring all high crimes and matters of politic directly to her attention.

Quiet and all but invisible, her husband and children have little to do with governing the province but are rarely found away from Jaedime.