Tuornen - Law of the Land

Unofficially, the common folk administer most provincial justice themselves. Only when they cannot conceal a petty crime from the local lord do they bring it before him. For crimes of substance, however, the wardens of a count or the deputies of a sheriff must investigate and try the accused. The suspect may appeal to the count or sheriff, but those who do so and are found guilty almost always face more severe punishment. Serious crimes like murder, rape, or arson are always brought before the count or sheriff. Punishments for these offenses are severe, ranging from hard labor  (especially in western Pechalinn or northern Elevesnemiere, where the threat of the Elf's attacks adds additional terror to the punishment) to death by hanging. Only the regent can sentence a criminal to execution by any other means, and none has yet chosen an alternate method.  High crimes such as assassination or treason must always come before the regent. The mandated punishment: death by hanging.   All towns (including the city of Haes) and most villages maintain a gaol or dungeon. The dungeon of Haes has a reputation for being inescapable, though more than one minstrel sings a song of a daring youth, falsely accused of a serious crime, escaping cleverly from the dull-witted jailers. About half the towns also feature a set of stocks used to punish rude but minor crimes like vandalism or brawling