Clan Nemesis Organization in Stellapent Cier | World Anvil
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Clan Nemesis

Clan Nemesis is a faction in Cier that provides protective services to various regions.


The clan procures work through its highly circulated Nemesis Contracts, ensuring that their work is in constant demand. Over time, Nemesis contracts became their own public currency. So alongside their mercenary work, Nemesis also functions as a bank.   Nemesis' wealth and influence leaves them a common target for opposing clans and invaders. The clan has had to defend itself from multiple large-scale attacks, pulling all its major clan members to the front lines each time.   Clan Nemesis is led by its founder, Jade.


The group has multiple outposts, with its headquarters, Nemesis Castle located in Aegis Fields.
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Controlled Territories
Manufactured Items
Related Items
Notable Members


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