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27th Cellean Fleet

A fleet once of the Cellean autocratic space. Lead by the fleet's Admiral-Captain of Cellea, Stringer, in his flagship, the The Orator of Ten Thousand Glorious Victories. A fairly successful fleet, responsible for conquering and subjugating tens of star systems along with Mad's 28th fleet.



Crew for the ten thousand or so ships ranged from a few thousand aboard the Orator to ten aboard small corvettes. Total crew numbered around a million, give or take a hundred thousand. In addition, the fleet was followed by a smaller fleet of twenty army ships, each with a couple hundred crew and around three hundred thousand soldiers and auxiliary personnel on board. The various logistics vessels of the main warfleet also had a total crew of roughly ten thousand.


As with most Cellean fleets, the 27th (and the 28th) had very advanced technology compared to their opponents. While it wasn't quite the most bleeding-edge stuff Cellea could produce, it was still far more than most in the region.


While Cellean fleets have a standard strength of ten thousand warships, the true number in the 27th fleet was closer to eleven thousand. The fleet also had a fairly high portion of it as battleships and cruisers, as opposed to the more balanced approach of a Cellean standard fleet. In addition, like any other fleet, it also had manufacturing facilities for antimatter, munitions, food, and everything else necessary. Two massive antimatter manufactories, five mining ships with thousands of asteroid-drilling drones, and four factory-ships to make all sorts of functional and recreational goods, were the core of this auxiliary group. The fleet employed fifteen dedicated Fleet-carrier ships as well, though many of the larger battleships were capable of a similar role if necessary.


The fleet's command structure was a very standard Cellean one. The ultimate authority rested, naturally, on the Admiral-Captain of Cellea of the fleet, in the fleet's case all the way until its end, that was Stringer, leading from his flagship, the The Orator of Ten Thousand Glorious Victories.   In addition, there were five Captain-Commanders, each in charge of a section of the fleet, and a flagship of their own.
  • The Starscourge, commanded by Magasashu Volotia
  • The C-Moon, Carmilla Lind
  • The Solid State Scouter, Faragast Spire
  • The Vode An, Xcieo Nopye
  • The Cybrex, Miltron Keyes
  • Each held authority over thirty or so Levantes, who in turn had command over several Levantes-Nes each, all the way down to the individual ship-level.   The Orator, too, had a command group. Again, a very standard Cellean structure, though named differently to usual, composed of the following;
  • Iventus Tuit, the Master of Communications, managing and overseeing all sorts of communications, negotiations and trade within and without the fleet.
  • Sara Rivinpää, the Quartermaster, managing the logistical affairs of the fleet itself.
  • Ilia Koretierek, the Master of Navigation, planning efficient routes and schedules for transit in- and out-system.
  • Mai Oile, the Master of Space Warfare, planning and managing, well, space warfare.
  • Shryke Nia, the Master of Planetary Warfare, same as above, but for planets.
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