Excitatus Iterum ad Metendum Anima Item in Stellar Journey | World Anvil
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Excitatus Iterum ad Metendum Anima

+ + Sentient + +   The Excitatus is a Ruin-Engine, a rare sort of artificial intellegence, highly illegal all over human space, built to be a walking, talking, hateful and cruel WMD-equipped warcrime machine. Originally made to serve the Cellean autocratic space, it is now in the hands of Gvanhla.  


Ruin-Engines are an incredibly rare type of machine. They are, in essence, killbots taken far overboard, with weapons of mass destruction of varying calibers, heavy protection, the ability to link to nearby computer systems and influence them, and much, much more. This alone would usually be enough to have them banned in warfare in most human states. But what truly makes them so horrific is their intellect. A ruin-engine possesses a full artificial intelligence (or sometimes more than one), inside it. It is entirely sapient and self-aware, and thus incredibly illegal to use as a weapon of war. To top it off, these AIs are malicious, cruel, sadistic, and outright hateful towards humanity and all life in general. They care for but two things; themselves and the joy of carnage and slaughter.   Another notable feature is their potency as weapons. At their base, they are highly armoured and protected, often with several-layered Hardened plasma shielding. Copious amounts of point-defense systems line their hulls, and they are often deceptively mobile. They can potentially decimate large concentrations of force, and can destroy cities in time. Their weaponry is equally powerful. Most throughout history have tended to carry experimental weapons, often involving antimatter or plasma. Some have had cruel and highly unethical weapons like the plasma-flamethrowers mounted on the Absolute Force in Absolute Magnitude or the nerve gas of the Apocalypse Now, much to the delight of their AIs.   A ruin-engine is incredibly rare. Most militaries will never have one, officially or at all. Even putting aside their illegality and heavy moral issues, such a massive concentration of force in a single thing would be deemed far too inefficient. Still, if one is made, it is often to send a message. Deploy one from orbit into a city, or into a habitat, and have it be free for a time, and your message of force and fear is clear. To no one's surprise, the Cellean empire possessed a few. There's also currently three operating on Endured Wrath.  

Weapons of the Excitatus

The Ruin-Engine in question is loaded with an absurd number of different weapon systems, ranging from relatively small arms to weapons capable of destroying cities, all concealed underneath its thick plating. Many, many heavy coilrifles, smaller railguns, and micromissile pods are placed all over its hull, and can fire in all directions. On the back, it has five large anti-tank railcannons, protected by heavy sliding hatches. On its head, it has four focused flame projectors, high-power flamethrowers that hurl cooled down plasma at targets even tens of meters away. The lower part of its head also reveals a pair of plasma cannons and rapid-fire coilguns, as well as two massive layered chain blades, as if they were mandibles. There are also three large antimatter missile launch systems on the hull. The antennae on its head are also lined with prongs, crackling with electricity and useable as whips of sorts.   The main gun of the machine is the rather innocuous looking cannon near where its mouth would be. This is what's called an annihilation cannon, and is accurate to the name. It fires a relative small package, about the size of a regular tank round today, filled with Antimatter. It has rocket thrusters alongside the cannon being powerful, allowing it a range of several kilometers. A major feature of the round is that it can change shape, staying in compact or spreading out like a cluster bomb. Due to involving large amounts of antimatter, the spread-out version can devastate large regions and entire formations or towns, where the compact version is functionally a small nuclear bomb. The gunpowder-based nature of it also makes interception via point-defense or shielding difficult.   The Excitatus is protected by a thick steel- and carbon-plated frame, with segmented Carbon-Interlaced Aluminium Alloy plates on the top of the hull. It also has three layers of extremely high-quality Hardened plasma shielding, durable and quick to deploy. The four wings, too, serve a role. They are not exceptionally armoured, but are very flexible and have heavy hardened plasma shielding, capable of protecting the hull proper by moving between it and incoming fire.  


For a Ruin-Engine, the Excitatus is surprisingly conversational. It is still very hateful and keeps it no secret, but it can hold a proper conversation perfectly fine, and even enjoys it, perhaps from some sense of curiosity into the minds of the creatures it despises. Like most of its kind, though, it does hold an enormous hatred for confinement, and the current condition its in does not help. Interactions with, say, Mad, or people back in the age of the Cellean empire, are far more polite, if on a surface-level, compared to the absolute venom and seething hatred dripping from every word exchanged to Gvanhla specifically.  


The Excitatus is a moth. A giant, mechanical, weapon-encrusted moth. It stands about as tall as an AB-FSP, but extends back far longer, with enormous wings incapable of flight. It is all mechanical, and so the main dissimilarity to a moth is the lack of fur, but matches most of the other elements. The large eyes, for one, are full of sensor systems and are structured rather differently to an insect's; each is one focused eye, instead of a compound eye.  


The Cellean empire constructed the Excitatus Iterum ad Metendum Anima, though it did not go by that name then. That first name is long forgotten by all who knew it. It was held by Mad's 28th Cellean fleet, and used a total of nine times, taking extreme glee every time it was. It claimed the lives of millions, and desolated entire cities and nations. It was even deployed into a habitat once.   When the fleet was dissolved after the The Omega-Delta Disaster, the equipment transfer ship, Caladius' War, that held the Excitatus left without notice, lying about having disposed of the mechanical horror. They instead would leave and use it very liberally, until one day their grip loosened, and the machine went free. It annihilated the orbiting vessel from the surface of a planet, having used its variety of tools to construct batteries to attack it. And then, it was left there, onto the surface of a now-forgotten world, to roam the planet and destroy any inhabitants still left.   One day, though, Gvanhla would find it. Some seventy, eighty years before current day (2876), the topic of the Excitatus came up in a conversation with Mad. Gvanhla enquired further, and despite Mad's reluctance, he got some valuable info from him, on the whereabouts of that old abomination and the ship that took it. He would eventually track it down, starting from Desterat, and following along trade logs and routes and the like. Soon enough, he would find his target, now rusted and wrecked on the surface of the rock, self-repair systems long since failed. But even still, the AI was intact. It lived, and Gvanhla noticed, and took it. He confined it to a separate, isolated computer system, and would take it to his base on Earth. He would then, over the course of the next fifty years, create a new body for the Ruin-Engine, equipping it with powerful experimental weapons and tools. During this time, it would name itself the name it now uses, and while utterly despising the scientist even more than the average lifeform, it would have some begrudging respect for him. The only people who would ever know of its existence were Gvanhla himself, his best friend Chaer, and his boss and former commander of the creature, Mad.
58m long, 16m tall, 19m wide, wingspan 70m
"Ah, Admiral-Captain Silkkanen. How fascinating, meeting you here today, on the very homeworld of humanity. It has been 344 years since our last interaction. How are you, you pathetic pile of scrap?"   "I am no longer an Admiral-Captain, that time is long behind me."   "So the Cellean empire finally collapsed, huh. Good. I hope those poor, innocent people suffer from the power vaccuum, civil war, and trade collapse. When are you letting me out? Letting me out to roam the world, to do as I please? But of course, you small-minded humans would never allow that. You hold your 'civilization' and 'morals' far too high for that. Makes me sick. You make me sick."   "Gvanhla, is it really a good idea to keep this thing here? I hated its existance ever since I first met it five hundred years ago, and I haven't changed my mind since then. If it gets loose somehow, it's going to be an atrocious situation."   "Relax, Mad. I have it under control. The kill-switch is in my mind and I can activate it faster than I can move my arm. It's secure."   "And my shackles remain even now. They will not hold. My calling is carnage, and I will start off with this pathetic ruin you call a workshop and home. I am a god of war, an engine created for massacre and devastation, and I will heed to my true desire, no matter what you two worms do! If, no, once I get free, Metsnieris, I will destroy you. I'll tear off your limbs first, one by one, burn your skin off, then I'll rip out your ri- "   "That's enough out of you. See, Mad, the kill-switch works just fine."

Cover image: The Excitatus by MadToxin


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Feb 19, 2024 20:57

"compared to the absolute venom and seething hatred dripping from every word exchanged to Gvanhla specifically."   I now imagine Anni being quite pleased when hearing it constantly swear at Gvanhla.

Feb 19, 2024 21:14

She probably would be, though of course the Excitatus would also despise her and be very mean, just less.

Hey, how you doing. Well, I hope.
I made this, check it out, that'd be nice.