Main Story Overview in Stellar Journey | World Anvil
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Main Story Overview

The main story, the thing this whole world is built to allow. The story of Quaken.  

Massive spoilers, obviously.

Also, subject to change.

This is something I've had in the back of my mind for a few years, and it's undergone a lot of changes and revisions to reach its current state. It isn't even finished yet, there's still a lot of plotpoints I have to iron out.   At its core, it's a pretty standard action-adventure type story. A bit grim at times, but oh well.   Oh, and, this is another rant, sort of. Think of this as a semi-rant of sorts.
It'll also keep changing somewhat until I have the story nailed down.   The main four are the the main group, Quaken, Skejon, Jon and Tarno.   The story is split roughly into three parts no it fucking isn't I'm an idiot who can't keep a story structure intact, pre-Stringer death, post-Stringer death, and post-Ak'Thakra. These take place before and after Stringer dies, and then after Ak'Thakra is destroyed and our protagonists' warp drive malfunctions and they go the the Precursor Ring.  

Part 1, the least fleshed out one

The story begins in Lanfal City, with Quaken. First things first, he's already friends with Skejon, and not long after meets Jon. Eventually, they run into Stringer, and get roped along his quest for revenge, partly for personal reasons. They also meet Tarno, and fight some of Mad's people. They do things, and at one point, confront Mad, well and proper. Mad kills Stringer, partly by Tarno's help (Elaborated on in his character article), boots the protagonists out, and shit sucks in general. Whether or not they even go confront Mad here is up in the air again, but we shall see.  

Part 2, maybe, the marginally more fleshed out one

From here, the gang decide to improve their skills, and elect to go to New Suterr for... some reason. Undecided as of yet. On the way there, Tarno and Quaken specifically go to an old watchtower in the Dertii Mountain Range, to get a better vehicle due to the roads being blocked, and end up face-to-face with the First King of Anakrion, Scintil Karkena. They fight, and Quaken ends up being overpowered and accidentally activates Synthetic Battery Overdischarge, and wins. They then go to New Suterr, do whatever they were there to do, and leave. Back in Lanfal City, they confront Mad again, and get whooped again. They overhear that Mad is planning a visit to Earth, to the Lunag Ri Base. Stringer also dies here, as Tarno interrupts their duel enough for Mad to land a decisive blow. Tarno dies at some point after this, that's still undecided.  

Part 3 part 1, the rest of the story

The gang decide to head to Torgallon, in order to find transport away from the planet, to Earth some 300 lightyears away. There they blow something up fighting one of Mad's lackeys, make Rexilis, the current King of Anakrion mad, and get beat, but get away. They escape, get on to a cruise ship, and go to Rakt'Akla. The ship gets shot down, they use an escape pod to go to Ak'Thakra, and get separated from Jon. Quaken and Skejon are on Khar'Ak 'Than's outskirts, and have to make their way to Jon, who has found the Void Traveller, and one Nex. From there, things happen, Rexilis shows up, the gang, now reunited, escape, and Ak'Thakra gets nuked by the ASTUN. They then decide to engage warp drive, and go in a random direction. The drive had been sabotaged a bit prior.  

Part 3 part 2, or part 4 maybe

The gang are in warpspeed, rapidly accelerating, with a busted drive that won't turn off. What to do? Well they do fix it, but by the time they do, the ship is already on the other side of the galaxy, oops. They then decide to head to a star with some sort of structured signals coming from it. But oh, the FTL drive's busted. So they go sublight, luckily the star's close. 3 years and 4 months go by. They arrive, do things, meet the Precursors, and get booted to Luna. From there, they go to Earth, things happed, Jon dies (maybe (he's still out of the story)), they leave for Ak'Thakra.  

Part Something, Shit hits the fan, fast

Now that they're back on Ak'Thakra, specifically a habitat called Sral'Kai, they get identified by Anakrionian forces sent there both as influence consolidation and genuine help, and Skejon gets caught and sent to Kae'rat Penitentiary. Quaken, though, escapes back onto the planet's surface, and ends up in the ruins of Khar'Ak' Than. Something happens, he finds a mostly intact car, and uses it to get back to the Void Traveller, to perhaps find another spaceship to get off the planet again. Or the other way around, he goes to the Traveller, and from there to Khar'Ak' Than. From there, he goes to the penintentiary after possibly an encounter with another enemy, frees Skejon, and maybe blows it up, possibly. Still up in the air. Alternatively, Nex is still around on the interstellar tradeship, helps them get to the prison station, and then stays behind to ensure the two get out. They hijack another vessel, and start going to Omega-Aurutka once more.  

Part I-don't-care-anymore, Finale

The duo arrive at Ochtotne Prime, and find that Mad has commandeered a spaceship from the Anakrionian Defense Fleet, the Stalwart Sentinel. They elect to themselves commandeer it, to see if there's anything or anyone useful. There they find Mad's second-in-command Anni, beat her, and learn that Mad's organization is still around. Then Quaken, by now completely dedicated to his personal quest, uncaring of anything else, decides to destroy Lanfal City, or at least a large part of it, to destroy Mad's organization along with it. Skejon, still largely retaining his sense of morality, obviously interjects. They fight, reluctantly. It's a short fight, but Quaken wins. He sits by Skejon in his final moments, and once he does die, he ejects him out of an airlock, following a tradition of orbital settlements called Spacing, since Skejon had lived the first half of his life on one, the Ad Astra Per Aspera.  

Mad and Quaken

Quaken then takes a shuttle to his home city, and wanders it for a moment before finding Mad. Mad recognizes him as the man behind the destruction, and they have a short, hate-filled conversation, after which they fight. The fight first starts with both having their weapons on them, then they lose them, then the fight eventually devolves into the two slugging it out, drained and damaged, just trying to kill each other.   Change here, Quaken now taps into Synthetic Battery Overdischarge, which he'd been perfecting over the story's course, and Mad does the same. Eventually, he goes beyond, to a level Mad can't, while shredding his body. This comes after a deep realization-thing that if he doesn't do this now, everything and everyone he's lost, and everything he's done (not very good things) will have been for nothing. He completely stomps Mad, in a scene not unreminiscent of Gohan's SSJ2 scene from DBZ.   Then, finally, Quaken gets a hold of Mad's sword, and finishes the fight.


The date shows sometime in the 4300s still up in the air, and the scene mirrors the starting shot of the show. It shows the local cluster, then Ochtotne Prime, now green. Then it zooms toward a now-repaired Lanfal City, and then zooms out a little to reveal it's the view from a window, in the Dertii Watchtower. It then shows Quaken reading a book. And then it ends.   New potential revision; Instead of a simple epilogue, it's a full bonus episode, where Jon shows up to the tower a decade or so later, and explains how he made survived, what's happened, and so on. A bit of joy into Quaken's life.   New new revision; , Quaken isn't visited by Jon, but is shown 11 years after the main story, all the same. Jon only shows up in the beginning of, suprise, the sequel. So that's in the plans.


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