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bah à la base c'juste le langage des Edgazes, qui inclut sons cristallins, ondes EM, ondes radio & lumière pour communiquer, mais après [cas de rapprochement entre Edgazes et X personne], il a pu publier quelques documents, The wavespeech is originally mixing crystalline sounds with mainly EM waves but it also includes radio and ultraviolet waves. Using the whole Edgazes body. Few is known about it, but the first documents concerning them is about an Ancient Kharis who described their sound and how it was made, the document is about 3k years old and conserved at the Atkharis Insight.  

Actual Usage

  Now c'utilisé via l'énergiotique pour communiquer discrètement dû au relatif inconnu du langage des Edgazes, eux même peu connus, notamment par la Black Mist ou des rares initiés The speech is nonetheless used by the Edgazes, but nowadays its mainly seen as sneaky or discreet communication. Its mainly used by the Edgazes themselves, but also the Black Mist and some Daleneïs elite forces.    

Daleneï Case

Evoquer que pour les Daleneï, c'un peu différent car ils ont vite travaillés avec des Edgazes, et ont même taffés à l'aide de ça sur des outils de communications short range comme des ornements qui utilisent d'un côté le Wavespeech mais aussi du pur énergiotique avec l'encodage du Wavespeech, et a même conduit à la plupart de leurs armes Daleneï race worked very often with the Edgazes, and also helped them to create communication items in short range, looking like ornements using the wavespeech with pure energiotic, and so with the wavespeech encodage, and simulate the natural process, the Daleneïs used them at some point for their own army, a bit inspired by the Edgaze one.

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