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God of Tyranny (a.k.a. Supreme Master of the Nine Hells, Lord of Nessus)


Asmodeus is the evil god of tyranny and domination. He rules The Nine Hells with an iron fist and a silver tongue. Aside from Devils, evil creatures such as Rakshasas pay him homage and evil Tieflings and Warlocks are drawn to his dark cults. His rules are strict and his punishments harsh: Seek power over others, that you might rule with strength as the Lord of Hell does. Repay evil with evil. If others are kind to you, exploit their weakness for your own gain. Show neither pity nor mercy to those who are caught underfoot as you climb your way to power. The weak do not deserve compassion. Although evil, Asmodeus is also honorable. He will honor the terms of any bargain he makes to the letter, although he will always look for loopholes that he can exploit. He is the most respected of the gods of evil and will even take counsel from and give aid to the gods of good if properly approached. However his aid is not to be sought or accepted lightly.

Divine Domains

Trickery, Order

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Divine Classification
Major Deity
Lawful Evil
Power, Domination, Tyranny
Favored Beast
Favored Weapon

Character Portrait image: Artist depiction of Asmodeus


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