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Goddess of Change and Luck (a.k.a. Lady Luck, The Maiden of Fate)


The god of change, Avandra delights in freedom, trade, travel, adventure, and the frontier. Her temples are few in civilized lands, but her wayside shrines appear throughout the world where the gods of the Dawn War are followed. Halflings, merchants, and all types of adventurers are drawn to her worship, and many people raise a glass in her honor, viewing her as the god of luck. Her commandments are few: Luck favors the bold. Take your fate into your own hands, and Avandra smiles upon you. Strike back at those who would rob you of your freedom, and urge others to fight for their own liberty. Change is inevitable, but it takes the work of the faithful to ensure that change is for the better. Avandra delights in freedom, adventure, and the frontier. She counts halflings, merchants, rogues, and adventurers of all kinds among her worshipers. In fact most people have whispered a prayer to the goddess of luck at one time or another. She is allies with Melora , Corellon , and Sehanine and a foe of Zehir, Asmodeus , and Torog . She is sometimes referred to as the Maiden of Fate and is worshiped alongside Ioun and The Raven Queen as the three goddesses of destiny.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Divine Classification
Major Deity
Chaotic Good
Change, luck, trade, travel
Favored Beast
Favored Weapon


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