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Goddess of Civilization and Invention (a.k.a. The Lawbearer, The Lawbringer, Judge Supreme, the Enlightener)


Erathis is the goddess of civilization. She is the muse of great invention, founder of cities, and author of laws. Rulers, judges, pioneers, and devoted citizens revere her, and her temples hold prominent places in most of the cities in the world. Her laws are many, but their purpose is straightforward: Work with others to achieve your goals. Community and order are always stronger than the disjointed efforts of lone individuals. Tame the wilderness to make it fit for habitation, and defend the light of civilization against the encroaching darkness. Seek out new ideas, new inventions, new lands to inhabit, new wilderness to conquer. Build machines, build cities, build empires. Erathis is the favored goddess of kings, pioneers, explorers, and judges. It is in her name that cities are founded, laws are passed, and business is conducted. It is Erathis that inspires civilization to move forward and spread it's light. She is close allies with Ioun and Moradin and is the wife of Pelor. She is enemies of Gruumsh and Tharizdun who seek to destroy everything she protects. Erathis is also patron of non-evil minotaurs.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Order

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Divine Classification
Major Deity
Lawful Neutral
Civilization, Inventions, Law, Crown
Favored Beast
Favored Weapon
Double-bladed Axe

Articles under Erathis


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