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Goddess of Knowledge (a.k.a. The Sage, The Learned One, The Eternal Student)


Ioun is the god of knowledge, skill, and prophecy. Sages, seers, and tacticians revere her, as do all who live by their knowledge and mental power. Corellon is the patron of arcane magic, but Ioun is the patron of its study. Libraries and wizard academies are built in her name. Her commands are also teachings: Seek the perfection of your mind by bringing reason, perception, and emotion into balance with one another. Accumulate, preserve, and distribute knowledge in all forms. Pursue education, build libraries, and seek out lost and ancient lore. Be watchful at all times for the followers of Vecna, who seek to control knowledge and keep secrets. Oppose their schemes, unmask their secrets, and blind them with the light of truth and reason. Ioun is the goddess most often worshiped by wizards and scholars. Many wizard colleges are dedicated to her name. She is also the second most revered god among metallic dragons, just after Bahamut. Her temples are repositories of knowledge, and often they look more like libraries then places of worship. Ioun is allies with Corellon, Erathis, and Pelor. She is the sworn enemy of Vecna who seeks to undo her work of sharing knowledge freely.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Divine Classification
Major Deity
Knowledge, Prophecy, Skill
Favored Beast
Favored Weapon


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