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God of Strength and Storms (a.k.a. The Brawler, Kriger)


Kord is the storm god and the lord of battle. He revels in strength, battlefield prowess, and thunder. Fighters and athletes revere him. He is a mercurial god, unbridled and wild, who summons storms over land and sea; those who hope for better weather appease him with prayers and spirited toasts. He gives few commands: Be strong, but do not use your strength for wanton destruction. Be brave and scorn cowardice in any form. Prove your might in battle to win glory and renown. Kord loves conflict. He does not care about actual warfare, but he is please to see others competing against each other. He is the patron of soldiers and athletes alike. He frowns on cowardice and this has led to many half orcs and goliaths worshiping him. He despises anyone who uses their strength to oppress others, which leads him to often oppose his brother Bane's plans. He is friends with most non-evil gods, although Ioun sees him as too loud and Erathis believes him to be too wild. It is rumored that he and Melora are lovers.

Divine Domains

Tempest, War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Divine Classification
Major Deity
Chaotic Neutral
Storms, Strength, Battle, Glory, Redemption
Favored Beast
Favored Weapon


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