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Goddess of Spiders and Lies (a.k.a. Araushnee, Queen of Spiders, Queen of the Demonweb Pits, Dark Mother, Mother of Lusts, The Lady of Chaos)


Lolth is the chaotic evil god of shadow, lies, and spiders. Scheming and treachery are her commands, and her priests are a constant force of disruption in the otherwise stable society of the evil Drow. Though she is properly a god and not a demon, she is called Demon Queen of Spiders. She demands that her followers: Do whatever it takes to gain and hold power. Rely on stealth and slander in preference to outright confrontation. Seek the death of Elves at every opportunity. Lolth is the patron goddess of the drow. Once she was the wife of Corellon but allowed ambition to get in her way. For her rebellion she was banished to the Abyss where she makes her home in a region known as the Demonweb Pit. For that she hates all the gods of good. She has no real allies among any of the gods and views all other beings except her followers with contempt.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Divine Classification
Major Deity
Chaotic Evil
Spiders, Shadows, Lies
Favored Beast
Favored Weapon


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