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The Legend of St. Primus (Kiran Alten)


Legends of our gods are many, but this one holds most true to Humanity as it is told of one of ours.   St. Primus, born as Kiran Alten devoted to Erathis, became a powerful warrior and ruler through adventure.   Champion of Gods he was, not just one but many. Erathis came to him and told him to gain favor with the other gods to found a city.   First, he approached Avandra for a blessing of luck. She challenged him to a game of chance, one that Avandra had never lost. Kiran won a simple game of cards with a clever interpretation of rules, allowing him her blessing on his adventure.   He went to Pelor and Moradin asking for a weapon and shield to take with him on his adventure and that would light his path. They agreed if Kiran would go to the south mountains and mine the blessed gold ore needed to forge a weapon fitting of a journey for the gods. He went and was beset upon by kobolds Slaying them with a pickax breaking it. He was able to mine the ore with the broken pickax impressing both Pelor and Moradin They made him a fitting sword and shield made of Bahamut's scale. He took the shield to Bahamut hoping for a protective blessing.   Bahamut agreed if Kiran would take a message to his former lover Tiamat in the nine hells. Bahamut not wishing ill blessed the shield before the task. Kiran, ever good, went straight to the nine hells. Meeting with Tiamat, fighting through devils, Tiamat received her message and as all five of her heads turned to look at Kiran, all five unleashed horrid breath of destruction upon him. Raising his shield, a large platinum wing protected him. He stood facing the evil Dragon Queen and refused to fight back. Tiamat smiled as she unleashed another torrent of vile breath, but Kiran stood strong behind his Platinum shield. The Queen of Chaos asked Kiran why he would not fight her. Kiran responded that he did not believe it was Bahamut's will for them to fight. He relayed the rest of the message of Bahamut's love remaining for Tiamat, hoping she would redeem herself from her evil ways.   On his way out of the nine hells, Asmodeus appeared to Kiran as a warlord in heavy armors. Furious that Kiran was treading his territory, he challenged him to a gauntlet he must pass to leave. He fought many soldiers as he made his way through a trapped dungeon and war zone to make it out of the nine hells. Asmodeus reneged on his deal and asked his godly brothers to attack Kiran. Bhaal was ever excited as he craved Kiran's holy blood. Kiran's shield protected him as he felled Bhaal for just long enough to escape with the help of Avandra's Luck.   However, he did not end up where he wanted, but rather the underground evil of the Underdark where he barely escaped the imprisonment of Torog He darted through a drow city that Lolth had been visiting. Lolth was entertained by his presence and asked him to deliver a message to her former lover, Corellon He escaped the underdark, only to find himself in the middle of Bane's army of orcs and goblinoids He fought his way free making a deal with Bane, Gruumsh, and Maglubiyet. The deal was that he would meet with Kord, Tyr and Talos and tell them that Bane and his ilk wished to war. Agreeing, Kiran set out on his way.   As he went, he met with Ioun, Melora, Sehanine and Corellon. They blessed him with Knowledge, passage through the wilderness, blessings of the moon and magics.   He met with Kord to deliver the message from Bane. Kord agreed if Kiran would fight on their side. He agreed. As the battle ensued, Tharizdun appeared with Bhaal to overpower Kiran and ultimately fell him. The Raven Queen knew it was not his time and appeared on the battlefield. She put Kiran's soul back to his body. Even the gods cannot cheat the fate of death. Scolding the others for killing Kiran before his time, Tharizdun was sent back to the Abyss with Bhaal going back to the Nine Hells.   After the battle, Kiran went to Tyr's mead hall to celebrate victory. There he met Cayden Cailean who challenged him to a drinking contest. Kiran won after slipping a sleeping plant he got from Melora into Cayden's drink.   Calistria lusted after him and wished to have Kiran as hers. They had each other when she approached him as a beautiful woman in Tyr's Mead Hall. She fell in love with him as his heart was pure, but knew it wouldn't work as she was a goddess and he was a mortal. Kiran eventually made his way to the coast of Tellaya and founded a city with many clerics of Erathis. Called Ageranthum, Kiran was given the name Primus by Erathis and ascended as a Demigod. His mortal form perished, but his soul lives on in the planes with the gods.

Historical Basis

Many historians are skeptical that someone would be able to interact with nearly every god known. However, historians are almost certain that Kiran Alten was indeed a real human born over 1500 years ago.


Any culture in contact with Ageranthum has likely heard this myth, and most believe it to an extent.

Variations & Mutation

Stories may vary on how Kiran Alten was able to pass all of the trials he faced, but overall the themes remain similar.

Cultural Reception

Most cultures that regularly interact with Ageranthum use this story alongside stories of their own unique cultures.

In Literature

Many retellings exist, as well as historical and theological codices on the matter.

In Art

There are many artistic renditions of stories from this myth.
Date of First Recording
1 PC
Date of Setting
-1 PC


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