Samhain - Pleiades Star Cluster Tradition / Ritual in Still Alive | World Anvil
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Samhain - Pleiades Star Cluster (Sown)

In the 13th century, the Catholic church had absolute control over much of the spiritual aspects of life in Europe. The last remnants of the Celtic pagan religious festivals that used to dominate the British Isles and beyond had been transformed or absorbed into the Christian religion. Therefore, the ancient fall festival held at the end of the harvest to take stock and prepare for the winter ahead was annexed and adapted to fit a more Christian mythos. Samhain, held traditionally on the night of the 31st of October- November 1 was a Celtic tradition dating back to the time when herdsman would bring their livestock down from the summer fields over a millennia before. The Celts, a diverse group of cultures stretching from Anatolia in Turkey to Portugal and Ireland, would celebrate the festival with many different aspects including prayer, ritual sacrifice, communing with he dead via divination, and large bonfires!  
  Who doesn't love a big fire? The year was divided into two halves, dark and light, which was then again divided into quarters. These quarters, known commonly as the solstices and equinoxes also got divided in half, with important "midway" festivals marking seasons. See the chart on the right. Samhain was one of the most important fire festivals as it marked the time when the door to the "otherworld" was open and the dead were communicated and revered. Coincidentally, this night was the night that the Pleiades Star Cluster rose in the sky, bringing with it the power to allow spirits to enter the material/mortal realm. This is where we get our modern ideas of Halloween!   My protagonist, Syres, is enjoying the favor of his friends in Aquitaine over a year after the death of King Richard "The Lionheart", in 1199. He misses his bold and fearless warrior friend and so remained on the continent, away from the idiotic Prince John, who was envious of his cousin, Arthur I Duke of Brittany. He was favored by Richard to be the next heir to the throne over his spineless brother John. However, the small militia force that Syres commands is called upon to take a commission from the Duke of Brittany. The All Saints Day celebrations set to start in a couple of weeks are drawing in crowds and nobles from both England, France, and The Vatican. Syres, known to be a loyal lieutenant of Richard's, is requested to attend with his troops. At the ancient festival, Syres is exposed to a religious practice he hadn't witnessed since he was in Wales and England over 200 years ago.  
Celtic Name Date (s) Christian Holiday
Vernal Equinox March 17 Saint Patrick's Feast Day
Beltain May 1 May Day/ Saint Joseph's Feast Day
Sumer Solstice June Feast Day of St. John The Baptist
Lughnasa August 1 Lammastide
Autumn Equinox September Michaelmas / All Angels Day
Samhain October 31 All Saints Day
Winter Solstice December Christmas
Imbolc February 1 Candlemas

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