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For the Kingdom of Arg, life centers around Mount Taniyan. They control the southern slope of the mountain, which they believe was the birthplace of all life on the continent. Along this slope they have built floating forges, where they harness the “life magma” of the volcano to forge some of the highest quality arms and armor on the continent. They have also undertaken massive public works projects, making strongholds lined with steel and carving out new swaths of habitable land in the jungle.   Arg warred with the Chean Empire for many centuries over control of the volcano, until the green dragon Saltugres slew the black dragon who ruled there and took over the kingdom. Saltugres had been held prisoner by his predecessor as a wyrmling, and through torture was maimed and dismembered. He has only one working wing, and is blind in one eye. Despite this, he was able to outsmart, and even overpower the black dragon who tortured him. Shortly after establishing his rule, he negotiated a peace with the Chean Empire, and secured for them the southern slope of the volcano.   Led directly by Saltugres as king, Arg has been relatively calm for these hundred years. The people of Arg love their king, who understands more than most dragons the importance of a loyal and devoted populace. The green dragon is now quite advanced in age, but his abilities as a shrewd negotiator and cunning diplomat have kept any challengers to his rule at bay. While technically a member of The Timathian League, Arg remains fairly neutral, and Saltugres is known for his distrust of his chromatic brethren. When Porseria declared war on Chea, she called on Saltugres for aid, but the call went unanswered.   Much of the future of Stolaria could hinge on Arg’s movements in the coming years. It is unclear whether Saltugres will continue to maintain peace with the Chean Empire, or take the opportunity of Porseria’s war to make a grab at the volcano in its entirety. Much of the future of Stolaria is uncertain, and the old green wyrm in Arg sits waiting to see which way the wind blows.     Forgehome: The Capital city of Arg lies on top of a small hill, directly facing the slopes of Mount Taniyan. Completely surrounded by a monolithic iron wall, the only entrance to the city is through The Ferric Gate, an almost mile long series of interlocking gates and switchbacks. Even though it has long past gained the title of most fortified city on the continent, every ruler who has controlled Forgehome for the past 2,500 years has contributed to The Ferric Gate’s expansion, despite the significant investment of enchanted iron and time of its invaluable forges.

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