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Formerly part of Nird and the Platinum Union, the region of Cypria (named for its capital city) enjoys a tense independence due in large part to the importance of its capital city, which is a crucial hub of both culture and commerce.   Cypria: This coastal shipping town became a favored place of Niv Mizzit, Paerun of Pranks. The avatar remained in the town for so long, her very presence warped the town and people around her. Culture and arts became of foremost importance to the people of the city, so much so that they eventually left the Platinum Union in order to better embrace all cultures. Fighting nearly erupted between the union and league over possession of this newly independent land, but two things protected Cypria’s new independence. First, neither the league nor the union could invade the land without incurring the wrath of the other. Second, the newly independent Cypria quickly evolved into an important trading partner of Seacland, which refused to do trade with any league or union controlled port.   Military: no standing army. Guards in the city are well paid, and the harbor is constantly patrolled by a mix of Cyprian and Seaclandian ships. The city is encircled by a low wall with towers, and its harbor contains a mix of mundane and arcane defenses. Cypria is well known for its massive ballistae. While these weapons were originally constructed for use against dragons and far-off armies, they have only ever really been used to launch colored explosives into the sky above the city during festivals. Government: Cypria is controlled by five elected Princes, each one of which oversees a number of the guilds that operate within the city. Because membership in such a guild is necessary to most livelihoods, the Princes collect a cut of nearly every gold piece exchanged in Cypria. They then use this gold to fund exquisite festivals and plays to win popular approval, and to hire guards and mercenaries to protect their assets and crush burgeoning rivals.     Other Towns: The lands outside the city proper are interspersed jungle and farmland. The small towns that seceded with Cypria are mostly farming villages or middling towns given life by locations along important trade routes. The towns try to emulate the grandiose artistry of the capital, but with a more rustic charm. Many youth in the region dream of one day escaping rural life to the city, and many have visited Cypria at least once in their lifetime.

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