Aurora Prime

by S. Mikkelsen


Aurora Prime is a gas giant planet is a massive world with a dense atmosphere composed primarily of Nitrogen Dioxide and Oxygen providing for a human habitual zone at high altitude. The planet is orbited by four moons, some of which are home to research stations and mining outposts. Within the planet's atmosphere, a number of cloud cities have been established, each of which is levitated by a network of maglev modules. These modules use superconducting magnets to create a powerful magnetic field that levitates the city above the planet's surface. The cloud cities are typically composed of a series of interconnected modules, each of which serves a specific purpose. The residential modules are designed to be highly comfortable and liveable, with a wide range of amenities and services available to residents. The commercial modules include shops, restaurants, and other amenities, while the industrial modules house factories and other manufacturing facilities.   The cloud cities are powered by a combination of renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Energy storage systems are used to store excess energy during periods of low demand, which can then be used to power the cities during peak demand periods. They get water through a series of vapour catchers that extract water-vapours from passing clouds. water will be cleanses and reused time and time gain, until its no longer safe. at which point it will be discharged as vapour into the atmosphere below. Transportation within the cloud cities is based on advanced maglev technology, with trains and other vehicles using magnetic levitation principles to travel quickly and efficiently within the cities. The cities themselves are constantly in motion, moving through the planet's atmosphere on a predefined course. The cloud cities are designed to withstand the extreme weather conditions found within the gas giant's atmosphere, including powerful winds and lightning strikes. The maglev modules and other supporting infrastructure are designed to be highly reliable and robust, with redundant systems in place to ensure that the platform remains stable and level at all times.

Natural Resources

With Aurora it self not having many resources other than Gas, there is a large gas mining industry, with some of the gas being used in the production of explosives and rocket fuel. the unique conditions on Aurora Prime have attracted the attention of aerospace and military industrial companies. since its is cheaper to build and test new models of fighter, missiles and even spaceships, when they are already built in the air, and the chemical components are cheap.

On the moons of Aurora Prime the various outposts that serve as towns or small cities in their own right. these outposts are all providing some form of service.

Magnetic field research: The gas giant planet has a strong magnetic field, which interacts with the magnetic fields of its moons. Scientists are studying these interactions to learn more about the dynamics of magnetic fields in space and to develop new technologies for space exploration and navigation.
Resource exploration and exploitation: Some of the moons orbiting the gas giant planet may contain valuable resources, such as minerals and metals. Researchers are studying the geology and composition of the moons to identify potential resource deposits and to develop new mining techniques.
Agriculture research and production: one of the moons have a thin atmosphere and is undergoing careful terraforming, while still having many agriculture research labs and greenhouses set up to help provide food for the populace of the system.


The settlement of Aurora Prime was first established by a consortium of scientists and researchers from across the empire. who were looking to explore and study the system's unique environments. After a few years of research, they soon realized that the system held many resources that could be used for industrial and military purposes. This prompted a wave of immigration to Aurora, as people sought to take advantage of the new opportunities available. The influx of people meant that the need for resources and infrastructure increased, so did the demand for living space.

To accommodate the increasing population and industry, the cloud cities of Aurora were expanded, and terraforming efforts began to take place on one of the moons. The terraforming efforts resulted in the creation of agriculture research labs and greenhouses, which provided much-needed food for the inhabitants of the system. Over the years, the population of Aurora continued to grow and the industrial and military interests continued to expand. Today, the planet is home to a thriving population and the cloud cities are still the main hub of activity. With its rich natural resources and diverse population, Aurora has become a centre of commerce and culture, and a place where technological advancement and scientific research continue to thrive.

Aurora is governed by a planetary council in place to oversee the day-to-day operation of the planet. The council is composed of representatives from the various cities and outposts within the system, and is responsible for setting laws and regulations, managing resources, and promoting economic growth. The council also serves as a point of contact between the citizens of Aurora Prime and the central government of the Polympian Empire.
by S. Mikkelsen
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