Cepha Prime

Cepha Prime, a near-ecumenopolis, is the political and economic heart of the Cepha System, nestled within the Scorpio Constellation. Known for its sprawling cities that stretch across much of the planet's surface, Cepha Prime is one of the core worlds of the Dominion. Tens of billions of inhabitants live and work here, making it a hub of activity in this region of space. The planet's advanced technological infrastructure, combined with its long history, has established it as a key player within the larger Dominion.

The Cepha system consists of five planets, including Cepha Prime. one inner rocky planet is uninhabited and too close to the system’s star to support life. Cepha Prime is the second planet from the star and the only one with a significant human population. Beyond Cepha Prime, there is Cepha Secundus An outer rocky planet with a thin atmosphere, sparsely populated. one gas giants with multiple moons colonies, and a distant ice world. An asteroid belt located between the fourth and fifth planets is a rich source of minerals.


Cepha Prime features a mostly urban landscape, but significant portions of the planet's surface are still covered in oceans and lakes, accounting for roughly 60% of its surface. Its atmosphere is well-suited for human habitation, with stable weather patterns making it one of the more comfortable core worlds in the Dominion.  

Society & Culture

  Life on Cepha Prime is structured around an impersonal bureaucracy that efficiently governs the enormous population. The planet is known for its strict law enforcement, with a high law level forbidding the carrying of weapons outside personal residences. This ensures a relatively stable society, though there is a distinct divide between the ruling elites, technocrats, and the general populace.   The influence of the old noble houses, while diminished, can still be felt in various cultural institutions, with aristocratic traditions and pageantry regularly observed in the upper echelons of society. Despite the strict laws, Cepha Prime is a bustling, cosmopolitan planet, attracting off-world traders, diplomats, and various factions of the Dominion government.  


  As a high-population world, Cepha Prime's economy is vast and diverse. Its starport, classified as B, serves as a major hub for interstellar trade within the Scorpio Constellation and beyond. The planet produces a wide array of goods and services, from high-tech manufacturing to cultural exports, making it one of the wealthiest planets in the Dominion.


Historically all the planets of the Scorpio Constellation was under the rule of the Scorpio-Imperii house, back in the days of the galactic empire. were Cepha was the capital holding of the Scorpio House. at the end of a galactic civil war, a noble house overthrew house Scorpio and arrose to declare themselves emperor of Polympus. forming the Dominion. which is made up of several star systems, including the entire Scorpio Constellation. Though the planet eventually fell under Dominion control, much of the ancient nobility under the Scorpio-Imperii house still maintains a presence here, albeit in reduced political stature.
UWP:B566A99-B Hi
Class B
5 Medium
6 Standard
6 56%–65% liquid surface
A X0,000,000,000s Tens of Billions
9 Impersonal Bureaucracy
Law level
9 Strict - No weapons outside home
Tech Level
B (11) High
Trade Code
Hi - High Population
