Eos Prime

Eos surface.jpeg


Eos Prime is a habitable ice world. atmosphere on the planet is breathable but very cold and foggy. the planet maintains a beautiful aesthetic with most nights featuring aurora’s in varying colours from teal to purple. the surface of the planet is mostly covered by a very thick layer of ice, broken up by circular green zones. These green zones are formed by volcanic hot spots underneath the planets crust, with geysers melting the ice and allowing for the formations of liquid water lakes and an significantly increased surface temperature. these fertile green zones are filled with rich variety of flora and fauna and provides for pockets of very pleasant habitable biospheres on an otherwise very inhospitable planet. The starkly contrasting landscape is a stunning view often seen around the galaxy on advertisements and seasonal greetings communication devices.   The planet features a large surface scar that geologists presume was formed when a very old Glacial spire fell per-colonial formation, the scar is estimated to be about 400 meters long and 121 meters wide. The scar is found in the northern territories and is a very popular tourist attraction often attracting religious folk who believe it to be a battlefield of an early psionic species that no longer resides in the known universe.

Localized Phenomena

The most northern cities bordering the northern territories experiences an event which is often referred to as the “Glacial Song”, this is an event caused by a particularly strong solar wind that occurs in the third winter month that travels through the glacial spires that protrude from the ice cap. This song is often accompanied by a large festival held by the planet in its entirety, the local residents play instruments alongside the beautiful resonating sound. Despite it only being heard locally it is shared globally through communication devices which the other residents will play their instruments along too creating a beautiful family event bringing all who attend great unity and affection.   It has been rumoured that within the planets caverns are rare crystals known as Imperium Valubis, these crystals have been linked to the Psionic primitives who once lived on the planet centuries before colonial efforts took place. Scientists have only ever found one body throughout the planets history that was preserved in a frozen waterfall deep within a mountains ravine, the corpse was missing a leg and 3 fingers, the body was dressed in animal fur which in of itself is not very interesting but what struck the scientist as fascinating was the jewellery that the creature adorned on its fingers and neck, they resembled more modern forge work which based on the biological analysis of the corpse seems centuries out of place. The biggest item of jewellery was the necklace which was decorated in dark blue gems which we now know as Imperium Valubis, these crystals not only appear to be very rare but also seem to cover the wearing in strange feelings of warmth.

Natural Resources

Eos Prime has trade routes to Polympus Prime with many stops on the way to the capital and. The planet mainly trades Zinc, gold and Copper but is well known for its limestone, the limestone is mostly custom ordered in the form of statues often with the planets own gold elegantly highlighting the specific features. Despite the mines being relatively small for a planet of its size the quality of the ore extracted from the mines are exceptionally pure, free from silica and waste material, the metals are sold at a premium compared to cheaper less illustrious suppliers.   The planet does not experience very busy trading ports as the trading administers prefer to send fewer but larger ships with fighter escorts as the distance to the main destinations are categorised as long distant runs. These ships despite their size are able to keep up with some ships of smaller size but remain adequately well armed with multiple point defence turrets.


Eos Prime’s surface is populated with multiple Large Cities bustling with species from far and wide brought to the planet by the promise of a new start since the events of the first Duros Rebellions. Eos Prime started out as a tourist planet with species coming to ski or to relax in warm residential complexes but later became a planet heavily populated by older residents and ex servicemen and women who worked in the imperial forces. due to its paradise reputation the government has increased the resorts in size to fully fledged megalopolises spanning a vast amount of the planets surface. Another area of the planets surface that attracts attention from none residents are the glacial fields often viewed from a distance due to the fragile splinters that frequently fall from the tall spikes that protrude from the ice cap in the more northern territories.   Due to the large quantity of imperial ex-servicemen and women on the planet the residential districts often boasts banners and statues on every street corner or courtyard, the residents themselves have created additional holidays throughout the year dedicated to showing their continued loyalty to the Emperors past and present often with ceremonially dressed marches around the main administrative district in the centre of the world capital, referred to as the “Emperors Pantheon".   Since the Colonial beginning the planet has boasted a vast variety of species from across imperial space, all respected and appreciated within society doing their bit to keep the imperial cog turning on their beloved planet. Throughout the planets history the governing bodies have created two holidays to celebrate the diversity across the planet as without its rich selection It would have to incorporate more expensive machinery to account for the special strengths that one species cannot match.   a locally renown governor of Eos Prime, Publius Ostorius Paulinus, was tasked with expanding the military capacity that Eos provided to the empire. some groupings within the Diet pushed for an weapons testing and factory complex to develop the empires future super weapons for testing purposes, but due to his planets main residents being ex military he felt it was unbefitting to develop weaponry, so through clever political manoeuvrers he countered with multiple barrack complexes to house and train future ICS operatives as well as an Austere Terrain Survival Center (ATS-Center) for the First Encounter Assault Recon and Marine Commando Arm to train at. this won favour among some highly placed individuals in the corridors of power. gaining Paulinus much renown in his own lifetime, both with his own citizens and with in the Intelligence and Special forces Community. this today is seen on Eos with most towns often having a Paulinus road or plaza named in honour of him.
by S. Mikkelsen
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