House of Shadows


The Romanov-led criminal faction operates with a hierarchical structure influenced by their noble heritage. They have adapted the old feudal system to suit their criminal enterprise. Key positions within the organization include:   Tsar Romanov: The ultimate authority within the House of Shadows, holding absolute power over all criminal operations. The Tsar makes key decisions and oversees the entire organization.   Knyaz Romanov: Blood relatives of the Romanov family who oversee specific branches or territories within the criminal organization. They are trusted lieutenants of the Tsar and play crucial roles in maintaining control and expanding the group's influence.   Bogatyr: Elite enforcers and champions of the Romanov Group, responsible for executing high-risk tasks, such as heists, assassinations, and violent confrontations. They are the most skilled and respected members within the organization, akin to knights of the criminal underworld.   Vory: Trusted leaders responsible for managing various criminal operations, such as smuggling, extortion, and racketeering, within specific territories. They report to the Knyaz and ensure the group's interests are protected and profits maximized.   Soldati: Foot soldiers and enforcers who carry out day-to-day criminal activities, including collecting debts, providing protection, and enforcing the group's rules. Soldati answer to the Vory.


The House of Shadows embraces its noble heritage while operating within the criminal underworld. Loyalty to the Romanov family is paramount, and members are expected to uphold a code of silence, loyalty, and respect for tradition. Disloyalty or betrayal is met with severe consequences, and individuals who harm the family's interests are marked for retribution.   Blood Loyalty: Members are expected to remain loyal to the family above all else, even at the cost of their lives.
  Hierarchy of Respect: The family maintains a strict hierarchy, with younger members showing deference to their elders.
Oath of Silence: A code of silence, where members are forbidden from discussing the family's criminal activities with outsiders.
  Within the House of Shadows, members proudly adorn the double-headed black raven symbol as an integral part of their culture. Adorning this symbol is a source of immense pride and loyalty. High-ranking members proudly wear rings, pendants, and earrings bearing the double-headed black raven. Enforcers may also prominently display the symbol on their armor, serving as both a mark of their allegiance and an intimidating emblem on the battlefield. Additionally, some choose to permanently mark their allegiance with tattoos of the symbol, displayed prominently on their chests, shoulders, or backs. This act serves as a profound rite of passage, signifying a deep commitment to the family's values and traditions.


The House of Shadows has access to considerable resources stemming from their noble past and their criminal activities. These include:   Wealth: A significant fortune amassed during their time as nobles, which they have used to fund their criminal operations.   Connections: Extensive connections with various other criminal factions, corrupt officials, and legitimate businesses that they use as fronts.   Private Security: A network of loyal bodyguards and mercenaries who protect the family and their interests.   Black Market: Access to a thriving black market for smuggling and distributing illegal goods and technology.


The Romanov family's descent into criminality began during the Galactic Civil War. With the fall of the Galactic Empire and the ensuing chaos, they saw an opportunity to exploit the power vacuum. Over the years, they transitioned from nobility to crime lords, amassing wealth and influence in the criminal underworld.   The family's criminal empire grew during the Dark Age that followed, establishing control over key sectors, illicit markets, and smuggling routes. They leveraged their connections, wealth, and a network of loyal enforcers to maintain their dominance. As the years passed, the Romanov-led faction became a powerful force in the criminal underworld, with ambitions to expand their influence even further.
Illicit, Cartel
Alternative Names
Romanovskaya Bratva, Romanov Group, The Romanovs