Imperial Infantry Guard Regiment



Each imperial infantry guard regiment are around 2500 men in manpower.
Each Light Infantry Battalion is 520 men and a Mechanized Battalion is 620 men. with a Light Company made up of 140 men, and a Mechanized Company 155 men.


There is a Regimental Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1-2 Motorized Infantry Guard Battalions, 1-2 Light Infantry Guard Battalions, 1-2 Mechanized Infantry Guard Battalion and 1 Regimental Support Battalion, shown below is the 2nd Infantry Guard Regiment of Polympus

Regimental Headquarters and Headquarters Company (RHHC)

1st Battalion, 2nd Polympian Infantry Guard Regiment (Motorized Battalion)

1st Battalion, HHC - (headquarters)
A Company - (Motorized Infantry)
B Company - (Motorized Infantry)
C Company - (Motorized Infantry)
D Company - (Motorized Infantry)

2nd Battalion, 2nd Polympian Infantry Guard Regiment (Motorized Battalion)

2nd Battalion, HHC - (headquarters)
E Company - (Motorized Infantry)
F Company - (Motorized Infantry)
G Company - (Motorized Infantry)
H Company - (Motorized Infantry)

3rd Battalion, 2nd Polympian Infantry Guard Regiment (Mechanized Battalion)

3rd Battalion, HHC - (headquarters)
I Company - (Mechanized infantry)
J Company - (Mechanized infantry)
K Company - (Mechanized infantry)
L Company - (Mechanized infantry)

4th Battalion, 2nd Polympian Infantry Guard Regiment (Light Battalion)

4th Battalion, HHC- (headquarters)
M Company - (Light infantry)
N Company - (Light infantry)
O Company - (Light infantry)
P Company - (Light infantry)

Regimental Support Battalion

Support Battalion, HHC - (headquarters)
Supply and Transportation Company
Maintenance Company
Medical Company


Logistical Support

The regimental support battalion provides the logistical support of the regiment

Support Battalion, HHC - (headquarters)
Is the HQ of the support battalion, here the tasks for the battalion is organized.

Supply and Transportation Company
Provides the entire regiment with supplies such as Fuel, Food and Ammunition.

Maintenance Company
Maintains the regiments fleet of vehicles.

Pioneer Company
Provides combat engineering capabilities to the regiment.

Medical Company
Provides the Medical care of the Regiment. dispatching medics to each infantry platoon, coordinating casualty collections points for each company, with transfer of injured to the Regimental Aid Post.

Artillery Battery
Provides Indirect fire support to the Regiment.

When the regiment is deployed into combat, the Support Battalion will set up a Regimental Support Area, in rear of the regiments area of operations. in the RSA the Medical Company will run a Regimental Aid Post, for the treatment of serious wounds and the care of injured before movement to a hospital or lift off world. the Maintenance Company will operate a Field Workshop, for advanced repairs of components that has been swapped out in the field, it is also where the they Coordinate with Pioneer company in regards to vehicle recovery tasks. Supply and Transport have a Supply Center in the RSA, from where they will coordinate and dispatch supplies out to all units. it also coordinates with Maintenance and Pioneer companies for dispatching of temporary Forward Arming and Refuelling Points (FARP) closer to the front line. In the RSA the Artillery Battery will set up a Fire Direction Center which computes firing solutions based on map coordinates, receives fire requests and feedback from observers and field units, and communicates directions to the Gun groups/sections. It also receives commands from higher headquarters. further the Artillery Battery has a number of Gun groups, which does the actual shooting of indirect fire. these may be set up in the RSA, or may be somewhere else depending on operational needs.


As with all Imperial Regiments, recruitment is done on a planetary basis. which means that all members serving in a regiment are planetary residents of the same world. this in turn means that if any member were to move residence to a different world, they would have to be transferred to a different regiment.
outside of the planetary restrictions, all the regular requirements of imperial conscription and service applies: Imperial citizenship, minimum 16 years of age, of sound mind and body, height of no lower than 150cm and no higher than 210cm.



In the Imperial Military it is tradition that regiments keep track of all larger battles and military campaigns they have taken part in, especially the victories. These are collectively known as battle honours, and serve as a way to see each regiments history. following this tradition regiments often adorn regimental regalia, such as banners or crests, with the given names of these battle or campaigns. Many regiments also use their battle honours as a basis for the naming conventions of their companies, but there is no formalized standard since this is based in individual regimental traditions.


Certain regiments conduct themselves so honourably and achieve so great fame, that they are granted an honorific title. such a title would often be based on an acceptable pre-existing nickname already in common use within the regiment, a regimental mascot or relevant unit type of past eras. which would be used in combination with the planetary origin of the regiment. this means there can be no two regiments from the same planet with the same honorific title. further to the codified planetary limit on honorifics, its tradition that there will be no two regiments, no matter the planetary origin that will hold the same honorific title. regimental honorific titles are though so hard to earn it has yet ever to be relevant to codify this tradition. All regimental honorific titles must be plural, since it is granted to a regiment and not a single individual, though within regiments that have earned a honorific title it often occurs that individual soldiers will semi-informally be referred to by the singular-form of the title.

Examples of potential regimental honorific titles for Infantry Guard regiments:
Boars, Bulls, Bears, Chasseurs, Dragoons, Fusiliers, Grenadiers, Ghosts, Hoplites, Hunters, Jagers, Janissaries, Lions, Musketeers, Phantoms, Pandurs, Raiders, Rangers, Rifles, Scouts, Skirmishers, Warthogs, Wolves etc.
  Outside of the regiment being known by and allowed the use of a unique title, being granted a honorific title also earns the regiment the right to modify the structure of the regiment outside of its doctrinal standard structure. Further its is also allowed to add or change elements of the service and parade dress uniform standard.
The title and the rights it gives can not be taken away from a regiment. If regiments was to be merged the Honours and Honorifics would transfer, and in the very unlikely situation of 2 titled regiments being merged the more senior title would be retained. this would free up a title, the only other way for a title to become available again is if a titled Regiment was to be disbanded.

Notable regiments with honorific titles:
1st Polympian "Legionaries" Infantry Guard Regiment
1st Kaasian "Rangers" Infantry Guard Regiment
2nd Hursan "Hussars" Cavalry Guard Regiment
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy