Polympus Prime

Polympus Surface.jpg
by S. Mikkelsen


The planet of Polympus consist mostly of Mediterranean and Semi-Arid terrain. The planets climate is made up of several belts, with a narrow tropical belt around the equator, with two wide subtropical belts on each side of the tropical belt. Beyond the subtropical belts, there are two medium width belts, that consist of a mix of temperate and sub-polar climates. Finally there are two narrow polar climate belts around the magnetic poles of the planet.   Polympus has five continents of varying seizes, surrounded by a large ocean of water. the continents are positioned in such a way, that they rarely have more than two climates present on each continent. with only two continents having three climates and only one having four climate belts.

Fauna & Flora

As a very fertile planet, Polympus Prime has a very large diversity of plant and animal life, with Coniferous trees being the most dominant of tree-types. In addition to coniferous trees, the planet is home to a wide variety of other trees, including broadleaf deciduous trees, tropical hardwood trees, and even some rare species of palm trees. The species of plants on the planet range from grasses and shrubs to flowering plants and cacti. Including some variants of wild grain and vine bearing plants.

The fauna of Polympus Prime is even more varied, with a wide range of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Some of the most common mammals on the planet include deer, bears, and foxes. The planet is also home to a wide variety of birds, including waterfowl, hawks, and songbirds.
by S. Mikkelsen

Natural Resources

Polympus has a fertile landscape that yields a significant production of grains, grapes, and other agricultural products. Additionally, the planet boasts of natural coniferous forests, which allows for some lumber production. However, the current output is barely sufficient to meet the needs of the planet's growing population. making it unable to export any of these to other parts of the dominion. On this planet, the shortage of food is partially attributed to the vast areas of semi-wild lands owned by the nobles for aesthetics or hunting. Despite some nobles converting their lands into agricultural purposes in response to population growth and migration, this has not been enough to reliably meet the demand for food caused by the large population growth and immigration from across the Empire.

Despite the abundance of valuable metals on Polympus Prime, concerns for preserving the planet's natural beauty limit mining activities. The most commonly mined metals include iron, silver, gold, aluminum, copper, and titanium. However, efforts are being made to balance resource extraction with environmental protection to ensure the longevity of the planet's ecosystem. As a result, Polympus Prime remains a unique world with a delicate balance between industry and conservation.


With the rebirth of the empire, Constantine I laid the foundation for a new city to be the new capital of the empire. making it the centre of political, cultural, and religious life in the Dominion He made it a thriving and prosperous city, filled with grand monuments, churches, and public buildings. a new capital for a new era. at the heart of which lies the Imperial palace. The city that has grown into a Megalopolis was called Constantinople. The city is a centre of trade and commerce, and has become a hub for Traders, Industrialists, Politicians and people seeking to gain influence or wealth from all over the Dominion.
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