The Cartel


The Cartel operates with a hierarchical structure designed for efficiency and control over their criminal operations. Key positions within the organization include:
  The Cartel Council: At the zenith of the Cartel stands the Cartel Council, comprised of influential leaders known as the "Greedlords." These Lords wield immense power and make strategic decisions that shape the Cartel's direction. They represent different sectors of the galaxy and convene to discuss matters of utmost importance.
Sector Bosses: Seasoned leaders responsible for overseeing the Cartel's operations in specific sectors of the galaxy. They may exercise authority over multiple star systems and play a crucial role in maintaining control over criminal operations.
Street Enforcers: Enforcers and security experts responsible for maintaining order, protecting the Cartel's interests, and eliminating threats. They oversee various criminal operations and ensure that the organization's objectives are met.
Cartel Agents: Specialized operatives involved in covert operations, intelligence gathering, and corporate espionage. These agents serve as the Cartel's eyes and ears, providing valuable information from the darkest corners of the galaxy.
Hustlers and Hired Guns: Foot soldiers and enforcers who handle day-to-day criminal activities, including extortion, drug trafficking, and territory control. They report to the Enforcers and form the backbone of the Cartel's operations.


The Cartel thrives on a culture of ruthlessness, greed, and ambition. Members are expected to prioritize the Cartel's interests above all else. The following aspects define their culture:

Unbridled Greed: The Cartel values wealth and power above all else. Members are encouraged to amass as much wealth as possible, often at the expense of others.
Cutthroat Ambition: Ambition is celebrated within the Cartel, and members are expected to seize opportunities for personal gain and advancement.


The Cartel has a wide array of assets at their disposal, making them formidable in the criminal underworld:
  Vast Wealth: The Cartel has accumulated immense wealth through various illicit activities, including smuggling, extortion, and illegal trade.
Extensive Network: A sprawling network of criminal connections, informants, and corrupt officials provides the Cartel with crucial information and protection.
Planetary Influence: The Cartel has established influence on multiple planets and star systems, allowing them to expand their reach and maintain control over key territories.
Black Market Control: Access to a thriving black market for smuggling and distributing illegal goods, ranging from narcotics to advanced technology.


The origins of the Cartel trace back to the decline of the Galactic Empire, when Nur Amlaar descended into chaos. Powerful criminal figures and organizations seized control of the ecumenopolis, establishing their dominion over the city. Today, Nur Amlaar, known as "Light City," is an infamous beacon of lawlessness in the galaxy, where the Cartel remains a formidable force in the criminal underworld.   As the Cartel expanded, it forged alliances with other criminal organizations, engaged in complex corporate espionage, and played a significant role in the illicit trade of valuable resources and technology. it grew in both power and reach having a precense in many star systems across the galaxy.   Today, the Cartel remains a formidable force in the criminal underworld, using its strategic brilliance to navigate the complex web of galactic crime while constantly staying one step ahead of their rivals and adversaries.
Illicit, Cartel