Urus Prime

Urus Prime is the main planet within the Urus Star System, located in the Scorpio Constellation. The planet is known for its lush, fertile lands and favorable climate, which support extensive agricultural production and a large population. Governed by an impersonal bureaucracy, Urus Prime benefits from advanced technology and a rich economy, making it a significant player within the Dominion.   The Urus system is home to six distinct planets, including Urus Prime. the two innermost planets, are barren, rocky worlds with minimal atmospheric presence and harsh conditions. The third planet, Urus Prime, stands out with its lush, fertile lands and pleasant climate, ideal for extensive agriculture and sustaining a large population. Further out is Urus Secundus, a planet with a thin atmosphere, sparsely populated with a colder climate. Beyond is two massive Gas Giant with several moons, these moons host various colonies. in the same orbit as the outermost gas gaint lies the Bossk Cluster. an astriod belt located between the forth and fith planets is a rich source of minerals.


Urus Prime features a standard atmosphere and a substantial portion of its surface covered in liquid water, with about 50% of its terrain consisting of oceans and lakes. The planet's climate is predominantly humid subtropical and temperate, creating ideal conditions for diverse flora and fauna. The fertile lands support extensive agricultural activities, making it a key supplier of food and other resources within the Dominion.  

Society & Culture

Urus Prime’s society is structured around an impersonal bureaucracy, with a focus on maintaining efficient governance and administrative control. The planet’s culture reflects its agricultural base, with a strong emphasis on farming traditions and practices. Despite its advanced technology, traditional practices remain integral to the society. with the upper echelons of society influenced by the aristocratic traditions of the nobility.  


The economy of Urus Prime is heavily centered around agriculture, with the planet producing a wide range of crops and livestock. Its rich resources and high-tech capabilities support both local needs and extensive trade connections with neighboring worlds. The Class B starport facilitates trade and transport of agricultural products, linking Urus Prime to other key worlds in the Scorpio Constellation

Fauna & Flora

Urus Auroch are a native species of domesticated bovines that are integral to the agricultural economy of Urus Prime. With their sleek fur and robust physique, these creatures provide meat, milk, and leather, contributing significantly to the planet’s economy. They are also a cultural symbol, featured prominently in local traditions and festivals. Several species of native crops such as Urusian Grassgrain is also farmed.


Historically all the planets of the Scorpio Constellation was under the rule of the Scorpio-Imperii house, back in the days of the galactic empire. were Cepha was the capital holding of the Scorpio House. at the end of a galactic civil war, a noble house overthrew house Scorpio and arrose to declare themselves emperor of Polympus. forming the Dominion. which is made up of several star systems, including the entire Scorpio Constellation.
UWP:B86579A-A Ag Ga Ri
Class B
8 Large
6 Standard
5 46%–55% liquid surface
7 X0,000,000s Tens of Millions
9 Impersonal Bureaucracy
Law level
A (10) Strict
Tech Level
A (10) High
Trade Code
Ag - Agriculture, Ga - Garden World, Ri - Rich
