Vardos Prime



Vardos Prime is wet world with a human breathable atmosphere located in the Vardos System. the planet has two continental landmasses and polar icecaps. the continental landmasses have several mountain chains of steel blue-grey rock rising from the dark brown dirts.

Fauna & Flora

The continental landmasses of Vardos are covered by lichens, mosses, grasses and ferns in various red colour tones. Vardos have few trees but one of note is Sanguine Beech.
The Sanguine Beech is a type of beech tree native to Vardos Prime. The tree is known for its marble white bark and blood red leaves, which give it its name. The tree is a popular ornamental plant in the region, and has been widely planted due to cultural reasons. Its wood is also highly sought-after, as it is strong and durable. The tree is seen as a symbol of strength and resilience, and has come to be associated with the struggles and triumphs of the people of Vardos Prime.

Vardos Prime is home to a variety of wildlife, including foxes, small deer, hares and various rodents, toads, salamanders, snakes, cranes, hawks and various songbirds. The most notorious of these is the giant carnivorous Vampbat. Vampbats are nocturnal hunters, with an incredible sense of smell and hearing. Their wingspan can reach up to six meters, and they possess sharp talons and long, curved teeth for tearing through their prey. Vampbats are a feared predator on Vardos Prime, and their presence is a constant reminder of the planet’s harsh environment.


The history of Vardos Prime is closely intertwined with the political developments of the Polympian Empire. During the dark age, after the subjugation of Hursan. Barons loyal to the old ways of House Scorpio-imperii, who until this point had kept a low profile and worked in the shadows. waiting their time and building their power before acting unlike their predecessors, started to openly defy the throne. The conflict was sparked when the Barons refused to accept the legitimacy of the sitting emperor and began a rebellion. The conflict escalated rapidly and eventually led to a full-scale war. The war was fought across the two continental landmasses of Vardos Prime, with both sides utilizing their armies and various tactics. In the end, the forces loyal to the sitting emperor were victorious and the rebellion was quelled. The victory was a turning point for the Dominion of the Polympian Empire and cemented its place as a powerful political entity in the region. Since then, Vardos Prime has been part of the Polympian Empire, as a fief managed by the Viceroy of Hursan. and has seen its share of conflict, but it has also seen a period of relative peace and stability.

Notably under the Viceroy's administration there was a Count's Feud; a long-running conflict between the two major families of Vardos Prime each vying for influence, the Von Corbins and the Larssons. The feud began in the early days of the Dominion of The Polympian Empire, when the two families were vying for control of the planet. As the feud grew, it became a major source of tension in the Vardos System, with both sides resorting to violence and sabotage to gain the upper hand. The feud lasted for decades, with each side claiming victory in various skirmishes. Eventually, peace was finally reached when the Larssons and Von Corbins agreed to a non-aggression pact, ending the feud. To this day, the two families remain more or less friendly rivals and the impact of their feud can still be felt on Vardos Prime.  
by S. Mikkelsen
UWP:B687856-C Ga Ht Ri
Class B
6 Medium
8 Dense
7 66%–75% liquid surface
8 X00,000,000,s Hundreds of Millions
5 Feudal Technocracy
Law level
6 Moderate - No firearms except Shotguns
Tech Level
12 (C) High
Trade Code
Ga - Garden World, Ht - High Tech, Ri - Rich
