

Vermilion is a captivating world situated in the far reaches of the galaxy. Its geography is as diverse as its people, with vast continents, sprawling oceans, and a unique blend of natural features. The planet's terrain ranges from lush, tropical islands to rugged mountain ranges and dense forests.   The climate on Vermilion varies significantly depending on the region. Coastal areas enjoy temperate weather, while the central continents experience more extreme temperature fluctuations. Unpredictable weather patterns, including frequent storms and volatile seas, have played a significant role in shaping the society's maritime culture.

Natural Resources

Vermilion boasts a wealth of natural resources, both on land and in the depths of space. Rich mineral deposits and rare metals extracted from its mines have fueled the planet's industrial endeavors. The shipbuilding legacy of an Imperial shipyard in its past has allowed Vermilion to maintain and develop advanced technology, particularly in spacecraft construction.   The planet's natural resources and proximity to trade routes have given rise to a bustling spaceport industry. Vermilion's shipyards continue to build and maintain a formidable fleet, while its agriculture and aquaculture industries ensure a steady supply of food and resources.


Vermilion's history is a tapestry of progress and adversity. Once a hub for the Imperial Navy's shipbuilding efforts, the planet thrived under Imperial rule. However, the collapse of the empire left Vermilion to fend for itself, spurring a transformation from a well-developed world to a society where piracy became a way of life.   In the wake of the empire's fall, the people of Vermilion faced resource scarcity and isolation, prompting them to turn to piracy as a means of survival and trade. Over time, a strict code of ethics evolved among the pirates, emphasizing fairness, loyalty, and respect. This code laid the foundation for a society that would come to be known as the Vermilion Privateers.

Class C
7 Medium
6 Standard
8 76%–85% liquid surface
7 X0.000.000s Tens of millions
3 Self-Perpatuating Oligarchy
Law level
3 Low
Tech Level
C (12) High
Trade Code
Ht - High Tech, Ag - Agriculture

Included Organizations
Owning Organization