Void Corsairs

The Void Corsairs are not a single organized entity but rather a loose confederation of individual pirate captains who operate primarily within and around Outer Rim Confederacy (ORC) space. Their presence in this region stems from a deep-seated grudge against both the Liberty System and the ORC.


Within the Void Corsairs the Council of Corsair Captains serves as an informal gathering of the most influential leaders. This council has been established to facilitate coordination, resolve conflicts, and address critical matters. Meetings occur irregularly, typically in secure or neutral locations, where decisions are made through a process of consensus or informal voting. It's important to note that the council holds no binding authority.


While the Void Corsairs operate with a high degree of freedom and independence, there are unspoken rules and a code of conduct that all captains are expected to follow. Violations of this code, such as betrayal or actions that harm the Corsairs' overall interests, can result in being ostracized or marked as enemies.


As pirates, the Void Corsairs engage in a range of illicit activities to sustain themselves. Looting, plundering, and taking hostages for profit are common tactics in their repertoire. They typically operate heavily weaponized and modified civilian ships, often turning these vessels into formidable raiding craft. These ships may either be purchased through illicit channels or acquired through acts of piracy, reflecting the Void Corsairs' resourcefulness and adaptability.


The root of the Void Corsairs' hostility can be traced back to their interactions with the Liberty System and its historical associations with piracy and slave trading. These shared grievances have fueled their ongoing vendetta against Liberty and, by extension, the ORC. As a result, the Void Corsairs continue to be a disruptive force in the region, their presence a constant challenge to the peace and stability sought by the ORC and its member worlds.
Illicit, Pirate Crew

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