The metaphysical orbit calculator Technology / Science in Stormbridge | World Anvil
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The metaphysical orbit calculator

Before the war between the giants and dragons, the giants enchanted a series of flying islands that would follow a specific pattern as they navigated the world. Many of these are still in the sky today. What most people don’t know is that they have lasted millennia because they are never touched by any shifting planes. The giants used the islands originally piloted by a set of magi to chart the stars and keep track of the places that were touched by the shifting magical planes. While they only managed to spot areas that were large in scale at first they became better and better at spotting the smaller areas. Plotting them all on a map and marking the time in which they happened was the work several decades. In the end, the giants invented a magical artifact that would detect the encroachment of another magical plane and steer the islands around them so that no set of ‘pilots’ were needed. From there they uncovered a mathematical formula for predicting the paths of the various planes and the level of energy transferred by their interaction.   The formula would take hours to work out just to predict the next day worth of interactions with work by sorcerers to be certain of a elemental planes proximity so that the formula could be adjusted accordingly. The giants found this to be far to time consuming to be useful in the long term and created the M.O.C. (Metaphysical Orbit Calculator), the device used a series of stepped drums and slides to indicate placement of the various elemental planes. Once locked in the device had a crank on the end which automatically adjusted the placement of the slides indicating the proximity of the planes. The crank would have to be turned once every hour, but the magic using giants could easily place a construct, to work the crank as needed tirelessly. The carious parts were not made by craftsmen but by conjured elementals so that it the parts would have the necessary precision. In our terms the parts were made as flawlessly as possible on a minute scale that no craftsmen even in Stormbridge's current time could duplicate without magic.
Access & Availability
MOCs are a lost technology and the records of them are also currently lost. The technology proved to be somewhat unhelpful in the war with the dragons who would expose themselves to planar changes on purpose. As a result while MOCs were highly useful they were also somewhat rare because of the magic involved in summoning the creatures that could build them. At teh time of the war there was less than one hundred in use.
While simple to use so long as you understand what the slides and such mean, the MOC itself is very easy to break or lose pieces to, if disassembled.


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