Extended OOC Info

About Me

Well if you've made it here congratulations you little deep-diver you

Unfortunately there's not much for me to say personally but below you'll find details of my RP style, Likes/Dislikes, and some additional information if you're looking to have me run a campaign or mini-series for your character or group.


I am a typical person with nothing exciting to share with you. I've got a full-time job as a Color Stone and Pearl Gemologist. I love to read, I bake bread and like to cook, and I write. While I don't think I will ever publish anything writing is my creative outlet and that includes RP. I spent many years on World of Warcraft and in that time I ran two different story-heavy campaign guilds. By all accounts, I will consider the second to be a grand success and I believe I gave those who worked with me for years a truly unique and fulfilling RP experience. I have a few novels I am working on set in an original world setting.

  • Returning Player: I'm not finished with the Game! Don't be an ass and spoil anything. I made it through the middle of Stormblood before I had to take a break from the game due to dramatm. Yes, I am reading the Encyclopedias as well.
  • Shy and Awkward: I'm not very good at being social and making new friends. I often don't know what to say in new conversations. I can come across as stiff and closed off but I don't want to put all my issues on others and bring them down. After a bit though that goes away. I'm also not incredibly funny and like a more serious tone to most things. Really selling myself here!

I've also been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis as of Fall, 2023. I'm more than happy to talk about it if you have questions but the short version is that it is an autoimmune disease with no cure where my own body is eating away at my nervous system. I have 'tares' in my brain and spine from where my body is attacking itself. Symptoms for me have presented as weak legs, skin pain (think sunburn followed by electrical shocks, or just not being able to feel at all), fatigue, poor temperature control, headaches, hand tremors, and lesser feeling in my fingers.

I don't put this here to gain sympathy! Shit happens and people have it worse than me for sure. I put it here as a disclaimer that my typing will be slower and not as accurate. It also means that I am on a strict medication schedule that in the evenings can make me very tired so we may have to stop an RP scene and pick up at another time. There may also be early symptoms of forgetfulness.

I don't take it personally, and I won't think you're any type of way if you don't want to interact or commit to this sort of baggage!
  Availability: Most weekends from 5:00 am to 10:00 pm MT and weekdays from 6:30 pm to 10:00 pm MT. I like to plan things out in advance so scheduling time for RP is something I like but not required. If I am running a campaign or a mini-series for you and/or your group of friends scheduled times and days are non-negotiable.

True to Life Portrait
Table of Contents

RP Guidelines

RP Actions I Accept or Not
Accept Without Checking
Ask but Likely Okay
Absolutely Not
/Roll or By-Post Dueling
Named Character Interaction
Emotional Stress
Retcons of RP Interactions
Large Time Jumps
Sexually Explicit RP
Nonconsensual ERP
Physical Injury
Permanent Maiming or Scaring
Sudden Death
Aether Limitation
Permanent Aether Block
Use of Aether = Death
Story and Character Progression Setbacks
RPing with Child Characters
Discord RP that takes days/weeks
RP Activities/Interations and Story Themes I Like
  • Realism: All worlds, fantasy or not, have logic and rules that bind them and make things not only predictable but also provide limitations and obstacles. Gravity is real, magic and physical limitations are real, and politics, laws, and guards are real.
  • Lore Abiding: I don't know all the lore myself and a little bit of lore bending is usually okay but I much prefer to stay inside the realms of what is cannon. We all like the setting, that's why we are here, so lets use it!
  • Long-form Posts: I don't mind quick-fire posting when it's called for (busy areas or to set a tone), but I really get into long posts that bring the audience in with detail and bring to life the atmosphere of the scene. If you're typing big I'll usually check in after about 5 minutes to make sure that I didn't miss something and you should do the same!
  • Merchant/Crafter RP: Haggle, negotiate, sell me something. Explain in painful detail the process you took to make me my new hat and why I needed to get you three butterfly wings from Ishguard. Be the quest giver you always wanted to be. If you don't then I will, and that's a threat!with love!
  • Bounty Hunter RP: Another theme that I love. I love to give targets and then really make that mission come alive for all of you hard workers.
  • Relationship Building and Maintaining: RP is mostly about making character connections, building up those IC relationships, and then maintaining them through a mountain of shit we writers put them through. I like to explore all aspects of this: good, bad, indifferent, or otherwise.
  • Long Term RP: Sometimes RP with a character only lasts a few scenes, sometimes it only lasts one then poof they are gone. Happens all the time and is more than acceptable. I, however, much prefer long-term partners where we'll develop our characters over the course of (hopefully) years.
RP Activities/Interations and Story Themes I Dislike
  • Non-Cannon: There is enough fantasy to go around in FFXIV that we don't need to be bringing in additional races, magic, technology, or anything else to RP with.
  • Godmodding: What fun is it to have your character be the best at everything, knowing no fear of failure, or be personally wrapped up with a main story character?
  • Meta-Gaming RP: You cannot 'win' at RP so why take things you know OOC about the inner workings of the world setting or a character and apply them to a character that would have no knowledge or ability in a specific area?
  • Never Leaving an RP Hub: Let's get out there and see this amazing world that's been made for us to explore!
  • Instant Anything: Everything in life takes time, relationships and trust more than anything. Slow down and take your time.
  • Lack of Scene Setting: Mare and many aspects of XIV are powerful tools to get the building blocks of an area or person. That doesn't mean it brings a sense of atmosphere or mood. Paint a picture and fill in the details to be noticed. I don't mind reading 5 paragraphs!
  • Inconsistent Characters: Characters should act and behave according to a mostly predictable line of reasoning unique to them. If you cannot choose what personality or history to have come back when you figure it out.
  • Poor Typing: Look, I'm not going to win awards in spelling and grammar myself sometimes, and with my limitations sometimes it's even worse, and I know English is not everyone's first language; however, basic punctuation, capitalization, and decent spelling so I can understand what you are trying to say goes a long way.

Gore: I am perfectly okay reading and writing gore when it is called for. Walking across a 2-day-old battlefield will display some gut-churning things. In a campaign or scene based on themes of horror, you're going to get some gore splashed in. I won't write it just for the sake of it though, and try to use it only to increase the atmosphere of a situation. If it makes you uncomfortable let me know and it will be nixed from the RP.

Dark Themes: Want to explore some horror or other dark themes? I'm good with that too so lets chat.

Writing Perspectives: I prefer RP to be written in 3rd person, and when writing for NPCs or other characters I control it's always third-person limited. 1st person and 2nd person RP, while cool to try out in a limited way as a form of expanding your writing skills, is just not for me.

RP Channels and Locations: I don't mind RPing in open chat for most situations. Getting others involved in the spirit of RP isn't bad, but if the situation is not meant to draw other random (or planned) characters into the scene, I prefer private chats. ERP is always 100% in private chat. I also have a discord channel set up specifically for long-form RP.

Overall I am incredibly flexible and open to ideas, comments, plans, winging-it, and just about anything. If I have an issue I will voice it. I believe that, with enough trust between two writers, there are no limits to the story that can be told.

Spicy Rules (NSFW)

Look, I have simple rules.

  1. Build a relationship first. I'm here for the story and the long-term investment. Romance takes time.
  2. Not everything has to be about sex you know. Some situations call for quick chemistry but those are rare. If all you're here for is a stand-in to get your rocks off I'm not interested.
  3. Make it consensual and for the most part vanilla.
  4. Seperate your feelings. I am not my character, you are not your character.