Mystery at the Docks


When Agatglac Bhaldhwabwyn (Amber Bell daughter of Boldhawk) visited Limsa Lominsa that day to trade goods from her small tribe she was not prepared in the slightest for what would no doubt turn into a twisting adventure unlike anything she dreamed of. Witnessing a brutal murder of a man at the docks she turned to look for the nearest guard. Unfortunately, she was confronted by a young adventurer who seemed just as frightened as she. Before the pair could do much more than blink at one another they were spotted and forced to flee, but to where, who knew. What destiny awaited them and who could each of them trust if not their own wit?

Main Themes

Mystery Adventure
  • A closer-built story focused on solving a mystery. Will include other players as time goes on and the story morphs.
  • Will encourage travel to various places through aether teleportation as well as mundane travel.
Open Ended Drama
  • Like a true mystery this story can include just about every theme and every drama type out there. Was this a military operation? Did a brother kill his father to inherit the merchant company? Was there a spy involved? Who can say? You'll just have to find out on your own.
Chapter Based
  • Each string of adventure and drama will lean towards a different theme ensuring variation and flexibility for player experience
  • Chapters will include payoff and enemies unique to their storyline but may also all climate in years of build-up towards a Big Bad.
Potential Relationship Themes
  • Romance- If the main characters are romantically inclined the story would be a slow-burn romance filled with learning about one another, likely denying their feelings for one another for a time. When they eventually move into their relationship the story would include everyday elements of sustaining a romantic relationship and a close friendship which can include aspects of both relationship types.
  • Friendship- If the characters do not pursue a romantic relationship they could fall into a close platonic friendship that's more akin to sibling relationships. This may include jealousy of other relationships, overly protective actions, severe pranks and teasing, and bickering.
  • Betrayal- There is a potential for one of these characters to betray the other during multiple points within the planned story. This can bring the characters closer or drive them apart. Perhaps both were in the wrong place at the wrong time or perhaps there's a grand reason behind it all.
  • Enemies- Should the characters turn against one another for any potential reason this would include darker themes and will turn one of the characters into a primary antagonist for the other.
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Primary Characters

Male of his choice

Thought Points
Agatglac Bhaldhwabwyn

Thought Points
  • Chocobo breeder/caretaker or perhaps just a big lover of the chocobos.
  • Her mother died when she was a toddler and her father ended up falling in with a tribe of Hellsguard where he eventually fell in love. As a result, she has both a SeaWolf name (Agatglac Bhaldhwabwyn- "Amber Bell daughter of Boldhawk) and a Hellsguard name (Misty Sunbeam) and can intermingle with both clans having been taught both customs. Both father and step-mother are still alive and well.
  • Unlike many Roedadyn she's not very skilled in martial combat, nor has she shown much potential in magic though some rudimentary spells are within her grasp. She's strong and has great endurance but hand-eye coordination isn't the best. however, she's not exactly clumsy. Well, perhaps she is.
  • Never really lost her baby fat.
  • Mostly just happy to be included. Yes, you can ride on her shoulders.
  • She enjoys simple things and a simple life. Not someone who would own a fancy outfit and she has no idea what a proper fancy life is like. She would try to act normal and not be an utter baffoon if she was taken somewhere nice, but everyone would know she ate with the dessert fork and not the salad fork.
  • Often goes into Limsa when her village or family needs something. She is usually the first to volunteer as she loves watching the bustle of the city and hearing stories of travelers and sailors. She would never expect to be brought into anything adventurous.

Secondary Characters


Thought Points

Thought Points


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