Twin Brothers upon the Sea


Identical twin Roegadyn brothers have been inseparable since their birth. Though their mother died in childbirth their father brought them up as best he could, teaching them honor, strength, courage, wit, and above all loyalty to one another. The Brothers spend their days sailing the rough seas as sell-swords working for the Adventures' Guild based in Limsa Lominsa to provide a comfortable life for their father who has retired to a small vineyard nestled in the hills along the coast of the great harbor city. Together the brothers are equal parts laughter and solemnity, jokes and sad sea songs, pranks and vicious battle prowess.

Main Themes

Meritime Adventure
  • Request-based tasks given by the Adventurers Guild such as Fetch or Deliver, Defend, Escort, Bounty Hunting, and Ship Defence.
  • Intented to pull the characters together as well as draw other player characters into the story with some relative ease
  • Will encourage travel to various places through aether teleportation as well as mundane travel
  • Has the potential to shift into air travel instead. Will include a flying whale- just sayin'.
Military and Merchant Heavy Themes
  • While the brothers are not part of the military directly they work closely with them and have informal military training making them excellent candidates for military recruitment and military-based RP.
  • Likewise given their contract niche the brothers will also be excellent candidates for merchant RP of all kinds.
Chapter Based
  • Each string of adventure and drama will lean towards a different theme ensuring variation and flexibility for player experience
  • Chapters will include payoff and enemies unique to their storyline but may also all climate in years of build-up towards a Big Bad.
  • Initial end goal of the brothers will be to purchase their own ships one day and sail together with their own crews.
Potential Relationship Themes
  • Siblings- The ultimate theme of this pair of characters is to embrace the wholesome loyalty shared between siblings that has been forged through truly terrible times. Highly recommend some historical RP sessions to establish character personalities and defining moments to solidify this bond and create sibling-only inside references and companionship.
  • Betrayal- There is a potential for one of these characters to betray the other during multiple points within the planned story. This can bring the characters closer or drive them apart.
  • Enemies- Should the characters turn against one another for any potential reason this would include darker themes and will turn one of the characters into a primary antagonist for the other.
  • Romance- While not romantically inclined towards one another romance will likely play large role in each character's individual storyline.
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Primary Characters

Male Roegadyn #1

Thought Points
Male Roegadyn #2

Thought Points

Secondary Characters


Thought Points
  • Will, at some point, be killed or taken hostage to draw the brothers out.

Thought Points