Chemwood Tree Species in Story | World Anvil
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Chemwood Tree

A very rare tree on Gaia. They were originally found in ancient farms apart of their automation chains. Some have been removed and have been farmed with extreme vigilance and maintenance. Mostly because if left unkept, these trees either die or explode. They due this due to the gel they produce in their core which is extremely flammable and explosive. To produce this gel, these trees require a lot of nutrients however if kept this gel can be sapped and used for numerous applications

Basic Information


The trunk is hollow which contains a nutritious and very flammable gel on the inside. The top of the tree contains a leafy canopy of light blue leaves

Genetics and Reproduction

During the end of its lifetime, it grows large seeds out of the bark and when they are fully grown, the tree heats up until it explodes and launches the seeds all around

Growth Rate & Stages

1. The first stage is the sapling stage where the sapling grows out of the seed as a skinny very twiggy tree. The tree produces no gel at this stage and the tree grows really thick and wide roots and the tree has a smooth, stretchy almost leathery bark. The stage ends when the tree reaches maximum height
2. The second stage is the gel stage where the tree begins to produce the explosive gel and store it in its trunk. The tree starts to fatten up to fit the width of the base of the tree. When the tree has sufficiently fattened this stage ends
3. The third stage is after the tree has reached its final size and the bark begins to harden. The bark turns from stretchy and smooth to brittle and rough. This is the shortest stage and ends once the bark has sufficiently hardened
4. The seeding stage of ChemWood trees is the seeding period when the tree starts to grow large seeds from out of the barks, this causes cracks and warping of the bark itself. These seeds are large with a thick skin to protect the juicy nutrients inside for the seed. The stage ends with the teee
Scientific Name
Azulon Lignusulfuris
Geographic Distribution


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