Flower o’ Plenty Species in Story | World Anvil
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Flower o’ Plenty

The flower o’ plenty is a special species of large flower which uses a special technique for spreading its seeds. It has a large flower shaped like a bowl at its base, when it rains it fills up with rain water. Then the flower spreads a solution throughout the rain water to turn it into a sweet honey like liquid. This solution also contains numerous very small seeds in it. When an animal smells the sweet aroma of the flower, it’ll come over and drink the fluid. When it drinks the fluid it’ll unintentionally consume the seeds so that the animal can spread them out at a far location.

Basic Information


The fully grown flower consists of a large flower on the ground which consists of 8 wide petals which out radially and perpendicular to the stem and curve upwards to form a bowl shape. The stem grows further upwards where much smaller flowers grow for pollination and to gain better height for photosynthesizing leaves

Genetics and Reproduction

The flower pollinates with nectar producing flowers on the upper branches of the stem. Once pollinated, the flower spreads its seeds by sprinkling them within the sweet “bowl” so that animals drink and excrete them later, farther away from the flower

Growth Rate & Stages

The seed first grows the stem, sprouting out of the ground. While the stem grows upwards and thickens, the tip splits put into branches and leaves and buds sprout out. Once the stem is fully grown, the upper flowers and lower flower begins to bud and form. Although the upper flower grows pigments to gain their color quickly, the large flower on the bottom doesn’t pigment until it begins to fill with rain and starts to seeds. When it seeds, it also produces a sweet smelling aroma to bring animals to the flower to drink from the sugary water and accidentally digest the seeds

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

This flower is cultivated for the honey it produces within its petals. Some flowers are cut off their base with their stem removed to make a bath tub. A newer application is harvesting the surface of the flower for a thin water proof leather
Scientific Name
Magnaflos Saccalacus Meridia
Average Height
8-10 feet
Average Length
4 feet in radii
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
While unpigmented, the large flower looks sky blue as to blend in with the local flora, however when it begins to rain and the plant has sufficiently inserted the sugar and seeds into the rain water, the large flower begins to pigment into a dark blue, with violet fading towards the stem of each petal. The upper pollination petals share a similar color palette to the base flower however they blossom already with their final pigments


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