Arabella Griggs Character in Strange Aeons | World Anvil
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Arabella Griggs

Arabella Griggs

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She does not appear physically strong by first glance, but upon inspection Arabella has the build of somebody who regularly performs physical labor.

Body Features

By all but one measure Arabella looks like a human, the exception being that her skin is an ashen gray hue.

Facial Features

"Pretty eyes, pirate smile..." Arabella has a heart shaped face with cherubic cheeks and soft features. Warm eyes. In better times she often has a default, half smile half smirk on her face. Her face genuinely is a window into her absolute enthrallment in the story taking place around her. Life's an adventure, but more importantly it's a story.

Identifying Characteristics

Her primary defining feature is her ashen skin. Not corpse-like in appearance, rather she looks like the color in her skin has somehow been - removed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

That's an excellent question.

Gender Identity


Mental Trauma

Drawbacks Doubt You lack confidence in your abilities or confidence in the universe at large. Effect: Whenever you fail a skill or ability check, you take a –4 penalty on that type of skill or ability check for the next hour.   Betrayed You second-guess your instincts constantly, leaving you never sure whether or not to trust someone. Effect(s): You can roll twice and take the lower result on Sense Motive checks to get hunches. You cannot reroll this result, even if you have another ability that would normally allow you to do so.   Fear Cleithrophobia: The Fear of Being Trapped

Morality & Philosophy

Chaotic Neutral in nature, Arabella simply believes in freedom. Do your thing. I mean, don't be a dick about it, but... do your thing. She has no judgement for you. She views perspectives of good and evil as secondary, mostly because in her experience they are subjective concepts. Good or evil, people typically justify their behavior with whatever they believe.

Personality Characteristics


Arabella is very approachable, and carries herself with a demeanor that is oddly both mysterious and down to earth. The former due to the fact that she's a fairly abstract thinker, and the later because she'll tell you exactly what's on her mind and makes it very apparent that she doesn't take anything too seriously. She largely acts like she's purely an observer when it comes to business outside of her own. While not good or evil, she keeps a basic "don't be a dick" philosophy. She second guesses herself quite a bit (see mentality). She often has a devil may care attitude, but because of that has made some bad calls in her life, so she doesn't always trust her own judgment.

Pretty, strange, pretty strange. Arabella doesn't recall much about herself at this moment. But she seem feisty, no bullshit, and ready to start making some heads roll and making sense of things.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
ashen gray
5' 2"
Known Languages
See character sheet.

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