Strange Violence

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Welcome to the System. Humanity originated here and, with the exception of a couple of generation ships that have not yet reached their destination, they have not yet left. The lightspeed barrier is hard to break. But that doesn't mean that we haven't gotten close. Close enough to travel through the System in ships powered by solarsails and which are protected by oxygen barriers.   The System is ruled over by the Crown, a royal family that has been in control of the Human Empire for a long time. They insist that humanity will only be able to continue sailing through the Void if we remain united under one ruling house. They are advised by representatives of various communities throughout the System, of course. Never let it be said that the Crown doesn't consider all of its subjects.   Of course, this kind of unity isn't anything but a myth. A lie made up of laws, a fairytale that those in power tell to each other. Because there are places that the Crown cannot quite reach and people it cannot control. Pirates and other criminals wander the Void as well. Trade is such a necessity throughout the System and some people have noticed that there is plenty to take, if only they're brave (or foolish) enough to reach out and try.   The average lifespan of a pirate isn't all that long, of course. Brought down by those foolish enough to get caught. Still, that doesn't stop a great many people from trying their luck. Enough to make the work of an honest starsailor dangerous.   Those that sail the Void are a superstitious lot, which is only natural in a life riddled with danger. There are many tall tales that are passed between them, spoken of with whispers and laughter and varying levels of belief. These stories, nonsense about Void Sirens and witches, could only be exaggerations and falsehoods, could they not? It seems easy enough to dismiss them, and yet...strange things happen out in the Void. It gets a little less difficult to believe that there might be something lurking out there when you remember that there are supposed sightings of a planet in the System that shouldn't exist. Of course, no one has ever actually found that planet, or if they have, they weren't able to return to tell the tale.   ~~~***~~~   The world of Strange Violence is one filled with crime, pirates, and strange magic. I am writing a story in this world and said story contains instances of incest, cannibalism, blood magic, self-harm, torture, murder, nonconsensual body modification, rape, cosmic horror, codependent relationships, abuse, mutilation, kidnapping, sexual harassment, dismemberment, and likely much more that I am not remembering to mention here. Not all of this will appear in the lore written here on World Anvil, but I am covering my bases and warning everyone ahead of time in case it does. I do not condone the actions of my characters, this is all a work of fiction and is a way for me to play in a darker space with various fucked up themes. The actions of my characters also do not reflect my real-life desires.